Chapter Eleven; Allegiances

Start from the beginning

   Still gripping the extra ropes, she gets to her feet. I technically could just get up right now and run right out the door, seeing as my feet are no longer tied, but with her right behind me and that person still positioned just outside, I surely wouldn't get far. Especially due to the fact that I'm blindfolded, and don't know my way through any of this strange building, whatever or wherever it may be. In this situation, I honestly just don't think that running would be a very wise thing to do. In the end, it would most likely just get me into far more trouble than I've already gotten myself into, with this situation.

   Undyne then begins leading me out of the room, and rather forcefully at that. She does not touch me, but rather pulls me by the end of the rope that binds my hands together. Yet, despite my extreme skepticism, I follow without a word. Still, my anxiety grows as I am led out and into the hallway, into my surely impending doom. Where else could she possibly be taking me?

   Soon, we enter into another open space, and she pushes me against a wall at some point near the middle of the larger room. "You try to run," she threatens, "and you'll be dead before you make it ten feet." Again, it's not like running would do much to help me at this point in the first place.

   I can hear her walking away, and from across the room, the same muffled voices from earlier resume. From out here, there is no denying it-- I know exactly who the second voice is. After everything that's been going on lately, how could I not recognize a voice like that?


   Why he is here, I don't even want to know. He's everywhere, it seems. Yet, somehow, I still have an awful feeling about what is going to come next. I don't know how, or why. I can just feel it.

   But, the worst thing in this moment, is that as I'm sitting here, awaiting the fate that is surely inevitable at this point, I just can't help but notice several haunting similarities between my current situation and the situations that I had left Sans in so many times before. Even the one so recent, the day after he had snuck out to Grillby's and I had for whatever reason decided it would be a smart idea to leave him tied up in an unfamiliar place and punish him in ways that I could not ever imagine doing to him now that I've had my wake-up call. I know I should not have put him through those things, and to be honest, I can barely say I still blame him for sneaking out like that. If I were in that situation, wouldn't I have done the same at some point as well? Not to mention so many things beyond his control that only added to his struggle. There are no words to describe how ashamed I am of myself for what I did. No matter what happens, I will never be able to forget who is at fault here. And I doubt he would have, either.

   Sure, I did wake up tied up in an unknown place, but that is not the only thing that is troubling me. Even the smallest of details, like Undyne talking down to me, knowing she is stronger, and me simply obeying because I am well aware of just how powerless I am to escape this horrifying situation, or the fact that she dragged me out by the rope, just like I used to do to Sans with his chain. All of the emotions I've been feeling all this time, I can only imagine how much worse those must have been for Sans, since he was almost constantly thrown into situations like this where he was left utterly powerless, alone and afraid. This is only a small taste of what he had been experiencing all of this time, just another reminder that I am selfish and narcissistic for pitying myself when in reality, I know, this is nothing. Nothing at all. Because no matter how much pain and suffering I could possibly go through, it will never make up for the things I did to him. Never.

   Maybe all this really is just a bunch of karma. Payback for everything I've done, not just to Sans, but to everyone. Everyone I've ever tortured, fought, injured, offended, abused, disowned, defied, judged, abused, mocked, teased, hurt, sabotaged, defeated, enraged, saddened, destroyed, beaten, controlled or punished. I've built up a large pool of debt over the past couple of years when it comes to ruthlessness, and it's about time I paid my retribution. And that's something I think everyone here can agree on. If there is anything I know about the well-known myth we call Karma, it is that she always has her way, and whenever she finally does, she always makes sure the job is done well. No matter the circumstances.

My Fault - Underfell Fanfiction (Sequel to Your Fault)Where stories live. Discover now