I nodded my head, already feeling sick, thinking of all the ways that the camera could break. I could drop it, press "capture" too many times, or I could give it to Ariana who would give it to Chase, who would use it as a football and then it would fall into a lake when he threw it.

I took out a pen from my back pocket and signed the paper, despite all the scenarios that were running through my mind.

"Now," Leena said and handed me the camera. "We all sort of have partners; I guess that's what you'd call them. Since the only person without a partner is Mason, he's yours." 

We looked over at him to see him intensely writing in a notebook. I studied Leena as she watched him. She was short, that's for sure. She had mousy brown hair and big brown eyes. I also noticed the way she was watching Mason.

I'm no expert on love, but she definitely had a huge crush on him.

"He's sort of mysterious, though. He acts way older than any other teenager I know. Maybe while you guys work together you can figure out his secrets or something," she said, still looking at him. Then she looked up at me and said, with a hint of jealousy, "Lucky you."

I gave her a tight lipped smile. "Yeah."

She shook her head, looking ashamed of her jealousy. "Anyways." 

We walked over to Mason and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up at us, then gave us a smile that, without sounding like Taylor Swift, could light up this whole town

"Well, hello there," he said.

"Hi," Leena said, for the first time sounding like she didn't know what to say. I decided to help her out. She could become a friend.

"We have to take pictures," I said. "And we're partners now. Woopie!" 

"What are we taking pictures of?" He asked and stood from his chair, grabbing the camera that was sitting next to the computer and put it around his neck.

I'm sure that if I did the same thing, it would not look as good. And it probably find away to fall off. And break.

"The prom committee is having a meeting. Just get some shots of that," Leena said, finally speaking up.

Mason nodded then preceeded to walk out the yearbook room, me following behind. When we got out into the hallway, I felt like I should at least try to start a conversation.

"So," I said, lamely. "Are you going to prom?"

He shook his head. "Probably not. Prom isn't really my thing. What about you?"

I shook my head. "Unless my friends force me to, no."

He nodded. "Well, have you ever taken any pictures before?" He asked me, changing the subject.

"Well, yeah, everyone's taken pictures before but I always cut off the heads," I said, looking down.

He laughed. "That's sad, but I'd like to think that I'm an amazing teacher, so you'll probably be fine."

I shrugged because I had nothing so say. And because his laugh was literally on repeat in my brain. It was so...

"Beautiful," I breathed without meaning to.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," I said quickly and gave him a smile that I hoped was reassuring.

He lifted his eyebrow up, and looked at me. I had to look away because anytime he did that, I felt like he was staring into my soul. 

Which is something I don't want anyone doing to me.

"Let me show you something," Mason said. He didn't wait for an answer as he took my hand and led me down a different hallway that I had never been down before, even though I'd been at this school for almost four years.

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