The one with the uncontrollable crying

Start from the beginning

"Hey Becs," I said, putting on a fake smile and walking over to give her a hug.

She held me at arm's length as her eyes scanned over me.

"What happened? What's wrong?" She asked quickly, a worried look flashing her eyes.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I quickly lied, looking down at the floor.

"Talk to me Kait, what's going on?" She asked, leading me over to the couch where I was previously seated.

"Becca, I said I'm fine," I snapped harshly.

I watched as her eyebrows scrunched in confusion before her eyes landed on the flipped-over picture frame that sat on the table behind me.

"Oh Kait," she said, pulling me into her arms sadly. "What happened?"

As soon as Becca pulled me into her arms I broke down. Sobs wracked my body as I cried and Becca rubbed her hand up and down my back.

"What happened?" She asked, pulling away slightly as I calmed down.

"Austin and I, we-we br-broke up," I stuttered as another round of sobs hit my body.

"Oh my god Kait, I'm so sorry," Becca said, pulling me back into her.

Becca just held me in her arms until my cries turned to quick, short breaths. She pulled away with a worried look as I started to hyperventilate.

"Kaitlyn, what's going on? Breathe, Kait," she panicked.

I couldn't say anything as I pulled my knees up to my chest and continued to hyperventilate as tears poured from my eyes.

I watched Becca reach around me to grab my phone off the table. She quickly rose the phone to her ear as I heard a familiar voice ring out.

"Taylor, it's Becca, Kaitlyn's having some sort of a panic attack or something," she said worriedly.

The panic in her voice only made me hyperventilate more as my breaths got even faster.

"Kaitlyn, can you hear me?" Taylor's voice said over the speaker.

I couldn't make out a response but with how hard I was breathing, I knew Taylor could hear me.

"Kait, please, you need to breathe, okay? Try taking a deep breath," Taylor said calmly.

I tried my best to take a deep breath but it came out as a shaky, quick one.

"Kaitlyn, focus on my voice okay? Breathe with me," Taylor said, starting to take deep breaths.

I tried to follow her breaths but they were still coming out ragged and quick.

"Okay, Kait, count to ten for me," she said.

I took a shaky breath, "One."

Another shaky breath, "Two."

"That's good Kait, keep going," she encouraged.

I took another shaky breath before continuing.

"Three... f-four... five... s-six... sev-seven... ten."

"Good, how are you feeling now?" Taylor asked.

"Better," I gulped.

"Can you tell me what happened?" She asked softly.

"Au-Austin," I stuttered.

"Oh, Kait," Taylor sighed sympathetically.

"I'm sorry," I sighed, looking down at my hands.

"Hey, no! Don't do that," Taylor objected. "This is not your fault."

"Maybe I should call him and apologize or-"

"Kaitlyn Emily Swift! You will do none of that," Taylor said sharply.

"I mean, I feel bad, maybe I was too clingy and I should've just left him alone when he asked me to instead of overreacting," I rambled, working myself up again.

"Kaitlyn, stop, none of this is your fault, okay? He just didn't deserve you and he was a dick," Taylor said softly. "Don't blame yourself. You didn't do anything wrong and there is nothing wrong with how you reacted."

"Then is something wrong with me? I just don't get it!" I said, throwing my hands up in frustration.

"No, Katie, there is nothing wrong with you," Taylor objected.

"There must be! Otherwise, why would he have ended it?" I asked, starting to cry again.

"Kaitlyn, I need you to calm down before you work yourself up again," Taylor told me.

"I'm sorry," I said, taking deep breaths.

"Stop apologizing, Kait, none of this is your fault," she said.

"How much longer until I'm going to see you again?" I asked, wanting to change the topic.

"Only a week," Taylor sighed.

"I wish it was sooner," I said sadly.

"I know, me too," she said. "I wish I could be there for you while you're going through this."

"Only 7 more days," I sighed.

"Only 7 more days," she repeated.

If only those 7 days would pass by sooner.

Sorry this is late! If you didn't see my message, I was at camp this week without my phone so I couldn't update. Only 1 more chapter after this then the epilogue eek!

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