The one with the rehearsal

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-May 3, 2013; 4:00ish;Detroit-

Once we had gotten to the rehearsal venue it was 4 so we were right on time. We got out of the car and with Taylor's bodyguards' help, we pushed through the paparazzi. We got to backstage and Taylor led me to her dressing room which was next to Ed and Austin's. I took a table for myself and unloaded all of my camera stuff since I had to take pictures during rehearsals. I laid out all of my lenses and chose the best one for performance pictures and attached it to my camera. I put the neck strap around my neck and sat on the couch. I watched as Taylor got her hair and makeup done and she changed into her costume for dress rehearsal. We then went out to the side of the stage. It was huge! I walked across the stage and then across the extended part. I jumped off the stage and walked through where the fans would be standing. I took a quick few pictures of the stage all decorated with signs that said Red and Taylor's name on them. I saw Taylor come out all dressed and ready to go so I took some pictures of her and Ed just messing around on the stage.

"Hey," someone said, standing next to me. Austin.

"Hi," I said, awkwardly trying to continue takes pictures.

"So are you the official photographer?" He asked, laughing.

"Yeah," I said, completely serious.

"Oh, sorry," he said, his smile dropping.

"No, your good," I said, smiling at him. His eyes lit up and he smiled back at me. One word. Sparks.

"So are you going to be taking pictures of me too?" He asked, nervously.

"Yeah, why? Is that ok? Because I won't if you don't want me too," I stuttered.

"Oh no that's fine," he shrugged. Ugh, my stupid heart was racing like crazy.

"Austin!" Ed called from where he was standing on the stage next to Taylor.

"Yeah," Austin replied, looking agitated at Ed.

"Come 'ere mate," Ed said.

"I'll talk to you later Kaitlyn," Austin smiled at me.

"Okay," I said, melting at his smile. I watched him and all of his glory walk to the stage with Ed as they talked and joked around. I took a few pictures knowing they would want to remember this.

"Oh my god," Taylor said, walking up to me.

"What?" I asked.

"You so love him," she said matter-of-factly.

"I do not," I said as he turned to look at me. I smiled and he smiled back which made my cheeks turn as red as Taylor's album.

"You're blushing," Taylor told me. I covered my face with my camera as Taylor laughed at me.

"Leave me alone, rehearsal is starting and unlike you I have a job to do," I said, shooing her away. She walked over to stand with Ed on the side of the stage and I prayed that I wouldn't blush in the middle of taking pictures of Austin's performance.

He started singing Say You're Just a Friend and I snapped pictures of him as he sang.

Hey baby you, you got what I need
But you say you're just a friend
Yeah you say you're just a friend

He repeated this multiple times, looking into my camera as he sang. As he finished the song he handed me a rose which was all part of his performance since he would give it to a random fan tonight, but nevertheless I still heard Taylor squeal in excitement. He started his next song and at the chorus he got up and started messing around and dancing. He started playing the air guitar and when the chorus started again he did a rockstar jump into the splits before jumping back up. My mouth opened in amazement and I looked to see Ed and Taylor with the same facial expressions. He finished the song and had danced his heart out. When he finished we all cheered for him and he took a joking bow.


"You are a really good dancer," I told Austin as we walked out of the field.

"Thanks," he said. "Hey, I think a bunch of us are going out for dinner tonight, are you coming?"

"Yeah, probably. Taylor doesn't usually starve me," I joked.

"Yeah, maybe after we can go grab some ice cream or something?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck like he was nervous or something.

"Sure," I agreed.

"Cool," he smiled as we approached the cars.

We got into the limo with Taylor and Ed and sat across from them. We all made some small talk on the way back to the hotel and when we got there we got out.

"I'll see you later?" Austin said to me when we got to our floor.

"Yeah, see you," I smiled.

Taylor and I split from the boys and walked to our room which was on the other side of the floor from theirs. Once we got into the room, we sat down on the couch.

"So are you and Austin a thing now?" She asked, smiling her devilish little smile.

"No way! We are just friends," I said.

"Ugh," she sighed and face palmed

"What?" I asked.

"He was totally showing off for you," Taylor told me.

"When?" I asked, completely dumbfounded.

"With all of his great dance moves and the rose," Taylor said.

"That was nothing; he was just messing around," I scoffed.

"You're hopeless," she said.

"I'm going to go get ready for tonight," I told Taylor.

"Better look nice for Austin!" She teased.

"Shut up!" I yelled.

I took a quick shower and threw on a black skater skirt with a white tank top that said cute on it in big bubble letters. I applied light makeup and left my hair in its light curls, only brushing it and tucking it behind my ear.

"Cute," Taylor said, walking into the bathroom.

"Is it too dressy?" I asked.

"No, you look great. I bet Austin will think so," she winked.

"Tayyyy," I whined.

"You know I'm right," she said.

"Stop," I whined again.

"Alright alright," she said, putting her hands up in surrender. "We need to meet everyone downstairs now."

"Ok," I said, throwing on a pair of black keds. We rode the elevator down to the lobby and found everyone in a big clump by the door. We walked to them, separating as we got closer. I walked to Austin, her to everyone else.

"Hey," I said, getting his attention.

"Hey, wow, y-you look great," he stuttered, staring at me.

"Thanks," I blushed.

"Let's go lovebirds," Taylor said to us, making me blush like crazy.

I hope he doesn't take that as a hint.

Austin's POV

Lovebirds? Her sister said that. Does that mean she likes me? Should I go for it? What do I do?

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