The one with the date

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-August 25, 2012-

"Taylor!" I yelled to my sister who was in the adjacent room.

"What!" She yelled back.

"I need help!" I said.

"With what?" She asked, walking into my room.

"What should I wear?" I asked, turning around from where I was searching through my closet.

"For what?" She said, sitting on my bed with a confused expression.

"My date," I said. "Remember, I told you that guy from my science class asked me out."

"Oh yeah, the cute nerd right?" She asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Where are you going?" Taylor asked.

"I don't know, he said he was going to make reservations somewhere nice," I said.

"Do you even like this guy?" Taylor asked amusedly, sensing my bored tone.

"Meh, but I felt bad saying no so I figured after tonight I don't have to go out with him again," I said.

"Why didn't you just say no in the first place?" Taylor laughed.

"Because he was so nervous and I would've felt so bad if I said no," I said, flopping onto my bed next to my sister.

"You're too nice," Taylor said, laughing at me.

"Shut up," I said, covering my face with my hand.

"Just wear the black skirt with a random shirt," Taylor told me.

"Which shirt?" I asked.

"Or just wear the black dress," she suggested.

"I'm just going to do that," I said.

"When is he picking you up?" Taylor asked as I got up from my bed.

"In an hour," I said, grabbing the black dress off its hanger.

"Nice," she said. Only then did I notice my sister's bowl of straight cookie dough that she was eating.

"What is that?" I asked, looking into her bowl.

"Cookie dough," Taylor said nonchalantly.

"Why are you eating cookie dough?" I asked.

"Why not?" She shrugged. "Do you want some?"

"Yes," I said, opening my mouth. Taylor took a spoonful of cookie dough and dropped it in my mouth. "Oh my god, this is so good."

"I know right," Taylor giggled. "Karlie gave me the recipe."

"Thank God for Karlie Kloss," I said, walking into my bathroom.

I took a quick shower and dried my hair before lightly curling it. I put my contacts in and applied my makeup before finally putting on my black dress. I grabbed a small, black shoulder purse and slipped it onto my shoulder. I sat on my bed and put on a pair of black heels before standing back up and making my way downstairs.

"What time is it?" I asked Taylor, who was sitting at the counter scrolling through her phone.

"Almost 7," she answered plainly.

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked her, sitting down at the counter and pulling out my phone.

"Watching Netflix with the cats," Taylor replied, picking her head up from her phone.

"Jealous," I muttered.

"Just make the date quick then come home and join us," Taylor told me.

"I'll try," I said as our buzzer went off.

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