The one with the fears

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"Taylor?" Kaitlyn said as a flood of tears escaped her eyes.

"Kaitlyn? What happened," Taylor said, rushing to her sister.

"Austin, h-he was there a-and he told me-"

That was all Kaitlyn managed to get out before bursting into tears. Taylor wrapped her arms around her sister and rubbed her back as Kaitlyn sobbed into her older sister's shoulder.

"Breathe, Kait, what did he say?" Taylor said, her worries increasing as Kaitlyn's breaths became quick and short.

"H-he left m-me for anoth-another girl," Kaitlyn hiccupped.

"Oh no, Kait, I'm so sorry," Taylor said, her face dropping at the news.

"An-and now he wants to get back together, bu-but I told him that I don't want to be hi-his second choice that I want to be his f-first choice," Kaitlyn said in between sobs.

"That's right, Kait, you deserve so much more than to be just his second choice," Taylor agreed.

"B-But I love him, Taylor, and I need him," Kaitlyn cried.

"He's not good for you though, Kait, you're better off without him," Taylor reminded her sister.

"I'm not, I'm a mess without him!" Kaitlyn said, letting out another round of sobs.

"Kait, you're not a mess, you are human, okay? It's okay to be hurt over this, but the important thing to remember is you were fine before him and you'll be fine again soon," Taylor said, holding her sister's shaking shoulders. "It takes time, but you'll be perfectly happy again, okay?"

Kaitlyn nodded as Ed emerged from where he was standing to the side of the room.

"Can I just say something?" The Brit asked.

The two girls nodded.

"I was talking to Austin before everything happened, and he knows he screwed up," Ed said. "He really does love you as his first choice, Kaitlyn, he just didn't know what to do. He is human after all."

"B-But then why did he leave?" Kaitlyn stuttered.

"He just needed to find out what he wanted, but he wants you, Kaitlyn," Ed replied.

"I want him too," Kaitlyn sighed.

"Then, you know what, Kait? You got to go out there tonight and get your man back!" Taylor told her sister.

"Yeah," Kaitlyn said. "I got to get ready."

Kaitlyn quickly ran to grab her dress for tonight before heading into the bathroom to change and get ready. She first changed into the blue and white patterned dress before starting on her hair. She lightly curled her fiery red hair before brushing it out over her shoulders. Kaitlyn then started on her makeup. She applied some foundation, concealer, powder, and highlight before starting on her eyes. She used a silver eyeshadow as the base for her eyes before applying a little bit of blue around the end of her eyelid. She applied a fine line of black eyeshadow along her eyelid before finishing it off with a little bit of mascara. Kaitlyn put on some subtle pink lipstick and gloss before heading out of the bathroom.

"Damn Kait," Taylor said, looking her sister up and down.

"Wow, Kaitlyn, you look- uh," Ed stuttered.

"Thanks, Ed," Kaitlyn said as Taylor elbowed the man in the side.

"Go get your man!" Taylor yelled as Kaitlyn walked out of the dressing room to find Austin.

Kaitlyn wandered down the halls until she got to Austin's dressing room. She knocked on the door and it was answered by a beautiful, brown-haired girl.

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