The one where they're on tour

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-March 11, 2013-

Kaitlyn and I had finished packing at around 11 last night. We were to board the tour buses at 8 in the morning meaning we had to leave around 7:30. My alarm went off at 6:30 and I grumbled before turning it off and getting out of bed. I quickly got up and walked into the bathroom to wash my face with some cold water to wake myself up. I then walked into Kaitlyn's room to wake her up. I walked over to her bed and sat next to Kaitlyn's sleeping body.

"Kait," I whispered. "You've gotta wake up so we can get to the tour buses on time."

"Nooooo," she whined.

"Come on Kaitlyn," I said again.

"Ten more minutes," she pleaded.

"Fine," I agreed, too tired to argue.

"Yay," she said sleepily, before drifting back to sleep.

I set a timer on my phone for ten minutes and went back to my room to shower. After my shower I threw on some leggings and a big, fuzzy sweatshirt. I heard my timer go off just as someone knocked on the door. I figured I could let Kaitlyn sleep for a couple more minutes so I could answer the door. I opened the door and found Austin (my brother) on the other side.

"Hey!" He said happily.

"Shh," I quieted him down, remembering Kaitlyn who was still asleep. "Good to see you. Even though I saw you yesterday."

"You too, why must I be quiet?" He asked.

"Kaitlyn's still asleep," I replied.

"Oh," Austin comprehended.

"I got to go wake her up now," I said, checking the time; 6:55.

"Ok, I'll wait here," he said, sitting at the counter.

"Ok," I said, walking back to Kaitlyn's room. "Happy birthday by the way!" I said to Austin.

"Thanks Tay," he smiled.

"Katie," I said softly into my sister's ear. The only response I got was a groan. "Time to get up," I said.

"Ten more minutes," she said.

"No, I already gave you twenty extra minutes babe," I said as she rolled over to face me.

"I'm not getting up yet," she said stubbornly.

"I'm going to get Austin then," I warned.

"He's not here dumbo," she said tiredly.

"He just got here," I smirked.

"Liar," she said before falling back asleep.

"Fine, I'll just have to go get him," I said, walking out to get Austin.

"Hey, where is she?" Austin asked.

"She won't get up; will you help me?" I asked.

"Sure," he smiled.

We walked back into Kaitlyn's room and I stood against the doorframe and let Austin do his job. He started tickling Kaitlyn in her sides until she was gasping for air.

"Austin?" She asked.

"Hey Katie Kat," he said.

"Happy birthday," She said tiredly while rubbing her eyes.

"Thanks," Austin said.

"Kait, you need to start getting ready or we're going to be late to the tour buses," I told Kaitlyn.

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