The one with the truth

323 7 0

-December 31, 2012-

Kaitlyn's POV

I woke up this morning around nine and struggled a bit getting out of bed, but doesn't everyone? I attempted to grab my glasses off of my nightstand, but reached too far and fell off my bed. I hit the wooden floor with a thud and found myself tangled in my sheets.

"Taylor!" I yelled for my sister.

"What? What happened! Are you okay?" Taylor asked, running into my room. "Where are you?"

"Down here!" I said, sticking my hand in the air so that she could see me.

"Oh what happened?" She asked, looking down at me.

"I fell," I pouted.

"Aw baby," she played along, bending down next to me.

"Help me," I said, sticking out my bottom lip.

"Alright," she smiled, untangling me from my sheets and handing me my glasses.

"Thanks," I said, stretching out my arms.

"Come here," she said, continuing our baby act. She lifted me up into her arms and I wrapped my legs around her torso, snuggling my head into her neck. "I've missed this," Taylor sighed, sitting down on the bed with me still in her lap.

"Me too," I agreed, leaning my head against her chest.

"I miss when you were just my little baby," Taylor said, wrapping her arms around me.

"Me too, I'm surprised you can even still lift me," I laughed.

"I will always be able to carry you," she smiled.

"I wish we could stay like this for the rest of the day," I said.

"Me too, but we got a party to prep for," Taylor laughed.

"What do we need to do?" I asked.

"Bake, decorate, and put everything out," Taylor said, thinking first.

"Okay, what first?" I asked.

"Bake," Taylor replied.

"Is anyone coming to help?" I asked.

"Yeah, Karlie, Hailee, and Cara are coming in an hour, then Selena is coming a little later," Taylor responded.

"Okay, well we should probably get up then," I said sadly.

"Yup, change then come out," Taylor told me, sliding out from under me.

"Okay," I said as she left my room.

I threw on some leggings and a t-shirt before walking out to the kitchen where Taylor had a few basic ingredients set out with bowls and mixers all over the kitchen.

"You are on cupcake duty," I was told.

"Yes sir," I jokingly saluted.

I grabbed the cupcake mix and looked at the directions before taking out everything that I need. I grabbed enough butter and sugar along with eggs, milk, flour, baking powder, and salt.

"Tay, can you preheat the oven to 350?" I asked, starting to make the batter.

"Yup," she replied.

I lined the pan with cute cupcake liners before setting that aside and grabbing my mixing bowl. I separated the eggs before beating the egg whites in the mixer. I grabbed a different bowl and mixed together the flour, baking powder, and salt before setting that aside. I beat the butter and mixed it with the sugar before adding the egg yolks and a touch of vanilla to the mix. Once that was all mixed, I slowly added the dry mix and mixed all of that in the standing mixer along with the milk. I folded the egg whites into the batter and let it mix until it was the perfect consistency. I used an ice cream scoop to scoop the batter into the cupcake liners, making sure each one was equally filled.

SistersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora