Chapter 7 ~ Witness's Memory

Start from the beginning

   "Sonic?!" Amy yells in worry. She was the first person to be behind the door, ready to help the injured hedgehog.

   Amy hurries over to me and takes Sonic's other arm, wrapping over her neck. She then helps me drag him inside the ship. Sonic's head was bouncing around limply, he was barely maintaining consciousness. Gauze and wrapping were dangling off his arms, brushing against my skin and Amy's shoulder.

   "I got this, Knuckles said he wanted to speak with you," Amy says, looking at me. Her eyes didn't have any indication of what Knuckles wanted to talk about. I hate to think it, but that made me nervous.

   I slowly let Sonic go, letting Amy drag him away into another room. My gaze falls to the floor, my hands were in fists, guilty. I wish I had morphine, so they wouldn't need to go through that pain. I shook my head, trying to clear my worries. No. You shouldn't care what happens. Don't grow close, and you won't lose another squad. It's as simple as that. You already told yourself this! Just do one simple thing: don't grow close to anyone.

   I looked around the room after repeating my personal mental vow. Vector paced back forth. The crocodile's eyes were lowered. Espio leaned against a wall, silently watching Vector pace back and forth, arms crossed. Charmy floated in the corner, twiddling his thumbs. It took a moment to realize Silver wasn't here, must be in sickbay. Hopefully he'll be alright, losing more soldiers was something the Resistance couldn't afford right now.

   Espio's gold eyes set upon me, he suddenly gets up and walked to a door. "Commander Knuckles is in here," he informed, letting the metal slide open and reveal the room inside.

   Taking a deep breath, preparing for the worst, I walk past Espio inside. The chameleon gives me a curt nod before the door closes. What did that nod mean? Good luck? Acknowledgement? My curiosity kept me paranoid, but I wasn't able to think about it for long.

   "Rookie," a voice greets.

   I turned to face my Commander. Knuckles was standing at a large metal table bolted into the floor. There were a few steel chairs, that were, thankfully, maneuverable. But Knuckles wasn't sitting. So, neither did I.

   "Have a seat," he gestures in front of him, almost right on cue to contradict my thoughts.

   Commander might be mad at me for leaving Silver unattended, I think to myself. So, I might as well try not to piss him off anymore. I pull out a chair in front of Knuckles. He then sat down in front of me. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, nervous.

   "Look, I'm gonna cut straight to the point," he begins, my eyes lower to my twiddling thumbs. "This is just a few questions, okay?"

   I nod, looking back up. Knuckles pulls out a small, foldable white board with a black marker from under the table. He plops it on the metal surface and sits back in his seat with his arms crossed. "We'll start with something simple. Are you okay with me addressing you as 'Rookie'?"

   I nod as I reach out for the whiteboard in front of me. I prefer it the designation if anything. The name has begun to stick. Like gum on the bottom of your shoe. And it keeps my true callsign under lock and key.

   "Okay, good," Commander Knuckles says. "You had told me that you didn't want your name getting out, so I wanted to make sure you had a name that you were comfortable with. What was your last squad's name?"

   A short moment passes of stun. This wasn't a question I wanted to answer. Not one I wanted to hear. Not memories that I wanted to relive. Gamma, I wrote slowly, hesitantly. Pain stroke at my heart as I turned the board around to show Knuckles.

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