Chapter 16

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a few months later:
Austin and I rarely talk.. and when we do we fight.. And then we don't talk for weeks. Then we apologize then fight again.. like we had a fight last night. And i haven't talked to him since.. Michele has been staying with me to keep me company.. She knows about our fights. Austin comes home tonight.. I am nervous. I cleaned the house. Michele walked in from tanning with Kylie. "Hey girlie!" I said to Kylie. She giggled. I took her into my arms. "da da.." She whined. I frowned. "Daddy will be home tonight.." I said. She giggled. "Well, i am gonna go on home. I'll be back at 5 to follow you to the airport.." Michele said. I smiled and nodded.

I took a long shower and got out and changed into my clothes. I changed Kylie into a onsie that said, I love my Daddy.
With the matching black tutu. The bow matched perfectly also. I put her pink leggings on her. Then put her toms on her feet.

"Daddy!" She said perfectly. I smiled. I strapped her into her car seat. Michele pulled into my driveway. "ready to go?" She asked. I nodded. I placed my purse into the passenger side and pulled out and followed michele.

Before his flight landed i went to starbucks and got me and Michele a drink.

"I'm so nervous." I said. "It's okay.." Michele said. I shrugged. Kylie was being moody. I placed her on my hip. "Flight to Miami has just landed.." The intercom said. I smiled. I saw Austin. I smiled. Kylie started smiling. I let her down as Austin got closer. She ran to his arms. he engulfed her into a hug. he let her go and pulled Michele into a long hug. Kylie reached up for me. I placed her on my hip. Austin pulled away from Michele and smiled at her. "Lets go shall we?" He asked. Michele nodded. Austin grabbed his stuff and then went to my car. "Bye mom. See you later!" Austin said. She smiled and hugged him tightly.
I put Kylie into her car seat. I went to the driver side of my car and buckled myself in. Austin got in the passenger side. He still hasn't said anything to me. I guess it's gonna be just like texting. He pulled his phone out. Kylie started laughing. Austin turned around and looked at her. She giggled. Austin turned back around and started playing on his phone.
I decided to break the silence. "What do you want for dinner?" I asked. "I don't care.." He said. I nodded.

I pulled into the driveway. I took my purse and unstrapped Kylie. I placed her on my hip and walked inside. I sat her in her pack and play in the kitchen and pulled out the homemade pizza dough. I started cooking a homemade pizza. "Kylie wanna go swimming?" Austin cooed. I rolled my eyes. Austin changed her into her bathing suit. He went outside and got into the pool. I placed the pizza on the counter. "Dinner's done.." I said. Austin got out of the pool and came into the kitchen and got a slice. I went to my bedroom and started to unpack Austin's suit cases. "I could have gotten that.." He said. I shrugged. "I don't have anything else to do.." I said. A long silence went by. "Why are you ignoring me?" I asked. "Because there is nothing to say.." he said in a duh tone. "Austin we've been fighting.. I know that but i seriously don't understand why you're giving me the silent treatment.." I said. he frowned. "I'm sorry baby.." he said. I nodded. "Uh where's Ky?" I asked. "Oh she is asleep. I laid her in her crib. I changed her into her pjs.." He said. I nodded. "Alone time.." Austin winked. I smiled. he kissed me roughly.

You get the picture.. (;

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