Chapter 37

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"How dare you?" I asked. "Babe, that isn't my baby!" He said. "Austin, save it! You still went with her!" I yelled. "I did not!" He yelled. "Austin! You got a chick pregnant! Deal with it!" I said. "I am not going to 'deal' with it! Cause that isn't my child!" He yelled. I jumped. It scared me. Kylie was looking at Austin with tears in her beautiful blue eyes. "SHE SAYS IT IS YOUR CHILD. I cannot believe you cheated on me while i was suffering over having a flipping miscarrage! And you go and get someone pregnant!" I yelled. Austin's face was red. He drew his hand back. Like he was going to hit me. "You wouldn't dare." I said with tears in my eyes. he slowly drew his hand down. His face softened. "I know.. I am so sorry." He said. I started crying and ran into his arms. he hugged me tightly. "why is our marriage failing?" I cried. "I don't know baby. I don't know.." He said. "Wanna go on vacation still?" I asked. he smiled and nodded. I smiled and went to pack.

We got on the road. Kylie started crying. "Kylie!" I groaned. Kenleigh was asleep. I gave Kylie her sippy cup full of apple juice. She instantly stopped crying.

"Babe, were here.." Austin said shaking me awake. I nodded. I grabbed Kenleigh and placed Kylie on my hip. Carrying two kids isn't easy. Austin grabbed the bags. We would have to make another trip to the car.

I laid the girls down and helped Austin with the bags. "Tomorrow, we will go to the beach." Austin said. I smiled and nodded. "Austin when do you want more babies?" I asked. "Not for a while.." He said. I nodded. "Why do you wanna know that all the time?" He asked. I shrugged. "I want more babies!" I said. "I know you do," He chuckled. I smiled. "did you seriously do stuff with her?" I asked. "No. I wouldn't ever do that. " he said. I nodded. "if it's your baby are you gonna let her give it up?" I asked. "yea. Cause it's not mine.." He said. I nodded. I fell asleep instantly.

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