Chapter 80

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Today we started packing up. I was irritated with Austin because my back was hurting, my feet were swollen, and i couldn't bend over to help pack. "Austin, do you need help?" I asked. "No babe" He said instantly. wow, in a mood or nah.
I haven't got on twitter lately.
I decided to tweet.
'@KendraMahone: packing and pregnant doesn't go together. #InNeedOfStarbucks' "Starbucks?" Austin chuckled. "Sowwy. And seriously, you have my tweet notifications on?" I asked. "Why wouldn't I?" He smirked. I giggled and went into the kitchen and started taking pictures off the wall, so i could pack them. "Babe. Go sit." He said. "All i am doing is taking pictures off walls and placing them in boxes." I said. "Fine. But no lifting." He said. "Okay." I said laughing.

I packed all the little things and Austin, Alex, Robert, and Zach packed the u-haul with the larger things. Their wives helped me. (i can't think of their wives names.) Regan (Robert's wife) is 3 months pregnant with baby #1 which is ADORBS. Samantha, (Zach's wife) helped me a lot. She and Zach don't want kids, so they're not having babies :'( Alex and his Fiance, Laila are expecting a child soon! Their first child. "Finally. Done." Austin said sitting on the floor. "I can't believe we're moving." I said. Austin nodded. Kendall and kennedy graduate in 3 weeks so it works out perfectly. They're gonna drive an hour everyday for 3 weeks. So they can finish their school year. "Mom?" Kennedy asked. "Yes?" I asked. "Can my boyfriend come over?" She asked. "Where packing Kennedy.." I said. "Fine. Can i go to Starbucks?" She asked. "Sure. Here's 10. Buy me a Venti, Carmel." I said. She nodded. "With, a double shot of coffee. I need one." I said. "OKay, love you mom." She said. "Bye." I said.

I got my coffee, and we walked through one last time. "Okay, the man is here." Austin said. I nodded and handed Austin my house key. I got into my car and Kade got into the back. "See you there babe." Austin said pecking my lips. The girls is driving their cars and Kylie and Connor is driving Austin's Range Rover.
I really hope this is gonna be a new start for us.

The One Night Standحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن