Chapter 7

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It was about, 12:30? And Kylie was wide awake. So i took her and myself downstairs. i sat down on the smaller couch across from Austin and Taylor. They didn't even notice that i walked in with a baby...? Taylor's phone went off. "Hold on let me take this outside, it's my... mom.." She said. Austin nodded. Kylie started crying. "Hey will you watch her while i fix her a bottle?" I asked. He nodded. They started playing peek-a-boo. I laughed and went into the kitchen. "Yeah, my mom is like holding me in the house tonight.. she won't let me leave. I wanted to see you tonight too Jason! But i couldn't.." She groaned. My eyes widened. OMFG... "Okay love you too.. Bye!!" She said then walking inside. "Who is Jason?" I heard from behind me. I turned around and Austin stood there holding Kylie. "It's not what it looks like.. Babe..." She said. "Who. Is. Jason?" he asked. "It's my boyfriend... I was gonna break up with you tonight thats why i came over, but you told me you loved me. So it made it 10 times harder.." She said. I was standing in the middle of this. Literally in the middle!! "Taylor, were lied to me. Cheated on me." He said. "Babe," Taylor said. "Don't call me Babe, I am not dating you!" He said raising his voice making me jump. Kylie started crying. "Baby girl, it's okay!" Austin said. "Taylor please leave..." Austin said. Taylor scoffed and left..
"You okay?" I asked. "No but I will be." He said. I nodded. I have Kylie her bottle and took her to my room. I laid her into her pack n play. She fell asleep instantly. I feel bad because she is sleeping in a play pin! And I don't have a crib for her. She fell asleep once I put Frozen on and gave her warm milk. I went into Austin's room to check on him. He looked upset. "Hey you okay?" I knocked. He shrugged. "Um, when are me and Kylie leaving?" I asked. "I don't know," he said. "Because maybe I could move here to be closer and I can buy an apartment..." I suggested. He nodded. "Cause Kylie doesn't sleep well in that play pin." I said. He nodded. "We can go house hunting tomorrow." He said I nodded.

We sat on his bed and watched, "The Notebook" then he leaned in kissed me softly. We stared in to each other's eyes and then kissed again. But turning it into way more than just a hot make out session....

The One Night Standحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن