"I was just thinking back to the lesson we had with McGonagall a while back. That day you challenged her when she taught us about Queen Maeve being the first person to use magic and you argued with her..." Hermione trails off, allowing me to confirm her suspicions. 

I nod my head at the girl, "I grew frustrated with her answer. I despised Queen Maeve more than you can know. But yes, when I talked about being named after the first that went by the same name, I meant me."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Fred's question comes out in a quiet manner. I can tell that he is upset that I never told him or let on that I was more powerful than I looked. 

My eyes glaze over everyone in the room before I settle on Fred once again. "It changes everything." There is a heaviness to my answer, yet it reflects the truth.

"I came to Hogwarts for two reasons. One reason would lead to the destruction of my hybrid brother and the other being that I would leave here with everyone knowing the ultimate truth. Both required everyone to trust me."

George simply asks, "Why?"

Referring to the need of their trust, I explain. "I told you guys long ago that my brother cannot be killed, but I knew of a way. There is a weapon, made at the hands of death himself, but it's broken into three separate objects. A wand, a stone, and a cloak."

"You don't mean the Deathly Hallows, do you?" Hermione speaks up, remembering the story of the three brothers and their experience with death.

"I do. I knew that Harry had the cloak and he's meant to acquire all three. I first befriended all of you so when the time came where Harry owned them all, he would willingly give them to me so I could create the weapon." My words come out effortlessly, not longer held back from my emotions telling me to ease all this information on them. 

Ron says under his breath, "Bloody hell..." The tone of his voice grows louder as he begins to demand some answers, "What about now? Is this still part of your plan?"

"Not at all. I don't want Niklaus dead anymore, so there's no need for me to persuade Harry to give them to me."

The look on my friend's faces change, casting a desolate glance down at the ground. I realize that they think I used and played them, which was the truth at first. I continue on, hoping to ease their concerns with me, "Things changed and I truly wanted to be your friend, not because of something you could potentially help me with. I told you once that my intentions would always remain pure with you guys, and that hasn't changed."

Thankfully, the look on their faces lighten up. The idea of them hating me for using them burdens me, but still isn't motive enough to return to a state of humanity. 

"As for the second reason," I begin again, "I became aware of the fact that I didn't want you all to know the truth about my reality until the very end. You humbled me, but I guess the time finally came because here we are." 

Harry thinks out loud, his thoughts hanging above all of our heads. "If you are the original witch, that makes you the most powerful witch ever. And if you are that powerful...that means that you could defeat Voldemort...right?" 

If I could feel, I would be heartbroken about the look on his face. There is a look of relief and hope flashing across his beaten up face. The weight of the wizarding world rests on his shoulders, and it's clear that it's getting to him.

I try to keep my words as soft as possible, "Harry...this is your prophecy. You are the one who has to go up against Voldemort and defeat him once and for all."

"Or succumb to him..."

My head shakes, "Don't think like that. You posses great power and from what I've seen and heard, you have fought through so much. You are stronger than you know."

Harry holds his head up higher, "Thank you, I needed to hear that."

I shrug my shoulders, not really feeling like I did much. Hermione steps forward and places her hand gently on Harry's shoulder as she speaks, "I think it's time for us to continue our mission if we want any chance of defeating Voldemort."

Ron and Harry nod their heads in agreement, but clearly not enjoying the notion that they are putting themselves in danger yet again. 

As Ron and Harry go and say goodbye to the other four, Hermione embraces me without a second thought, "I'm so sorry this all happened to you."

She pulls away, knowing that the hug isn't doing anything for me. "It's fine. Stay safe you guys." The trio nod their heads in sync and leave the house to apparate to who knows where. 

Bill and Fleur bow their heads silently, not having the words that would suffice their condolences or a goodbye. That leaves the twins and me left to stand with each other, unsure of what to do. 

George glances over at a torn up Fred and says, "Maybe it's best to go back to the apartment now." I nod my head in a agreement, leading the pair outside.

I extend my arms out, urging the twins to grab onto an arm. I apparate us back to the apartment in an instant.

George looks between me and Fred silently. I can tell he wants to talk to me, but leaves us to it. He simply walks forward to place a friendly kiss on my head before heading to his bedroom to call it a night.

My feet starts shuffling towards the couch, my body wanting to crash after the day I had, despite my mind not feeling the brunt of it. Before I can lie down, Fred's asks from behind me, "How long are you going to stay like this?" I turn around to see him reach out a hand to gesture towards my neutral state.

My words are honest, "I'm not sure. Turning my emotions back on means unbearable pain and anger, which I can't deal with right now if I am going to fight for you all and for magic."

Fred reaches out to lightly touch my arm, "But we will be there for you and can help you through it. You think defending us with no humanity is better, but it's not. Fight with us because you care."

"I know I care though," I lock eyes with Fred as the words come out of my mouth.

Fred bites his lip and shakes his head as he emphasizes, "But you don't feel it though." 

I dismiss his point, "You may not believe it, but my way will save you all. At least now that I have changed into a better person, I know what I need to do."

He rolls his eyes at my response, "Your way will destroy us and will only make everything hurt that much worse later." My stance doesn't waver, so I instead look elsewhere. He pleads, "What can I do to make you feel again?"

Those words repeat themselves in my head, yet there's a voice in the back of my mind warning me to ignore his perceptions on the matter. I respond cooly, "Nothing."

For a moment, Fred's face falls in defeat until it morphs into a determined one. Without a warning, he reaches behind my neck and pulls me into a deep kiss. 

I feel a twinge inside me, begging for me to flip the switch back on so I can love the person I truly care for. Instead, I pull away, creating space between the two of us.

His eyes widen, clearly not expecting me to reject his kiss so quickly. I want to feel bad but can't. "Goodnight." With that, I turn around and lay down on the couch to sleep, not bothering with the fact that Fred remains stuck in place for a few moments.

Finally he retreats into his room, knowing that he lost this round. 

I'll edit this chapter later since I just wanted to get something uploaded for all of you guys! I think I've been slowing down because I don't want this book to end, but it has to at some point. Again, a big thanks to those who have continuously supported Alexia and her story!

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