Day of hell or not?

Start from the beginning

Well looking for a dress felt like I was here for ever. I looked at a yellow dress. 'Yuck.' A green dress. 'Not happening!' I felt like I would never find one until.

"Ali! Omg! This Is The DRESS!" I looked over to Lila and was blown away and I mean blown away!

It is a pretty mixture of blue and grey like my eyes..

It was decently short not like the really short dresses skanks wear but the ones that come mid thigh.

it was just perfect with how it went together.

Lila pushed me into a changing room automatically saying "this has got to be the one, now put it on I want to see it on you!" I laughed at her urgency of wanting me in the dress.

Finally I got it on and let me just say any girl would probably die for this dress right now. Lila being Lila popped her head in "what's holding you up gir.... Girl that is the one! I might take it myself if you don't!" I rolled my eyes "get out Lila and no it's defiantly mine." She smiled her little diva smile.

Hearing her yell at me a few minites later while i was looking at myself "it's fine I found one just like yours and it fits me perfect! I can be your twin! Don't worry it's a different color too!" Lila kept Rampling on and on I just changed back and came out to Lila in a pretty red dress that made her brown eyes really pop, her blond hair framing her soft toned face. I just smiled at her "that looks great on you Lila." She blushed "thanks."

After I bought the dress I bought, some shorts and few dark faded pants, then like three t- shirts and some nice high heels or flats to dance in during the thingy for Luna or whatever.

One of the shirts said 'don't give me your attitude! Cause I have my own' I then bought some yoga pants that had 'diva' across the butt area. Lila got an identical one to match.

Then I went home and Lila asked to stay the night I was like heck yeah! So she texted me

Li- hey be at your house round 10

Al- kk see you there girl :)

Li- see ya

When I saw Shane passed out on the couch with Jace I had to take pictures I just had to! You know a girl with a camera its addicting..... so i got like five photos before they stirred. I was quietly giggling while Shane opened his eyes during the last picture lets just say i ran like hell.

I heard a growl and then him yelling "what the hell Ali! Delet those now!" I just laughed and ran around the couch a few times before he jumped on the couch waking Jace. Jace started laughing until I said "wow Jace you drool in your sleep! That's new" as I looked at my pictures of the two goof heads. Jace shut his mouth into a 'o' shape seeing Shane trying to get my phone. He joined in grabbing my waist.

"Damn you Jace! Mwahahahaha" I put the phone in my bra daring Shane with a glare. He looked at Jace then at me then to my shirt "Ali take It out or I will!"

I laughed again screaming "NEVER!" While Jace tickled me. I growled "let me go now! Jace or your baby makers will cease to exist!" Jace automatically released me. Shane glaring at him "what the crap man!" Jace shrugged "WHAT I ain't losing my baby makers over a picture!"

I smirked " five pictures! Mwahahahaha I'm so evil whahahaha." Dude my evil laughs are the bomb!

I dashed to my room away from them locking my room. Shane pounded the door and hard " let me in Ali you can keep the pictures.... Please." I laughed "nahhh, rather not but thanks babe."

9:00 I hear a car pull in my drive way and a all so awesome sound. "Ali I came early!" Lila!!! I so happy I opened my window and shushed her... "Come here!" I whispered yelled. She quickly got in my room thru the window and I closed my window locking it.

She asked me shushed "what you doing in here and whispering?" I giggled " Jace and Shane are mad at me cause I took pics with my phone of them passed out together!" Lila got excited and flipped when she saw them, because Shane is her alpha and Jace my brother is almost my alpha or will be once he finds his mate.

Or Shane is technically my alpha to cause he's my mate and I'm his packs Luna or will be after the big party. I sent the pics to her phone and she slipped her phone in her bra too so now I have many pics. We put our heads to the door and heard Shane's quite breaths nice and slow. Lila smirked whispering "he's asleep." Should be hes been at the door for three hours.

I quietly pushed the door open. Shane's body slumped over and he began to snore. laughing quietly I walked past him with Lila and I swore I saw his eyes open but didn't care. I got me a lemon pie and ate it with Lila Jace laid sprawled on the couch. Lila was all happy today, but seemed down now.

So I asked her "what's wrong lil?" She looked side ways and sighed "my birthday is tomorrow I'm worried about who my mate is." I smiled " you might love who it is you never know. I sure as heck didn't know I would be with Shane." Lila grunted "yeah after what he did to you! And y'all still didn't mate till months later." I rolled my eyes "that has nothing to do with what's going to happen with you and yours it will be totally different."

She smiled and looked at me "I hope your right." I smiled at her and was about to say something but I saw the clock and it was now 12:01 wow how time passes I grin at her now "happy birthday!" Shane grabbed me by the sides and started tickling me and I couldn't hold it in "no no aha sha shaneeeee stopp pleaseeee!" Lila was laughing but stopped when my brother came in the kitchen looking at Lila.

Her face lit up and I saw.... Love? Care? And want? In her eyes. My wolf smiled in my head 'she's found her mate.'

Lila and Jace said "mate." At the same time and holly cow I was rolling in my grave! My brother and my bestie are mates "yes yes yessss! You two are mates that is awesome Lila your a Luna well you will be, holly smokes!"

Shane had stopped tickling me and we watched as Jace quickly maneuvered over to Lila and breathed in her scent he only could smell.

Shane smelt of cinnamon and mint :) to me, he told me I smelt of honey and sugar or strawberries to him.

Lila and Jace, me and Shane all went to the living room and sat on the couch cuddling. But soon my dad came home looking tired and whipped so we went to bed not wanting to make him mad anymore than he had been earlier today.

ALIEA AND THE ALPHAWhere stories live. Discover now