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Chapter Thirty Two

Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back

Revelation 12:7

Cain called just as I was about to go to sleep. My ringtone, despite my phone being under my pillow, was blaringly loud. Anna, who had just managed to drift off, opened her eyes and practically snarled at me.

"I'll take this outside," I told her. Anna would probably throw my phone out of the window if I risked having a conversation in the room.

She grunted, pulling the covers over her head as I left the room.

"Hey babe," Cain's voice was loud in the silence of the hall. He sounded a little drunk, but nonetheless, his voice made my pulse race a little faster.

"Do you know what time it is?" I whispered, not wanting to wake anyone along the corridor.

"Yeah, course I do," Cain slurred.

I heard a woman's laugh in the background, and gritted my teeth. "Who's there with you?"

"Just a few of my mates," he must have held the phone away from his ear, because I heard a cacophony of noise - people cheering, it sounded like.

"Cain, you're drunk." I scratched my forehead, sighing.

"Drunk on you," he chuckled. "Why can't I see you tonight babe? I'll drive over."

"You're not driving anywhere drunk, Cain," my voice was firm. "Stay where you are."

"I want to see you," he almost whined.

"No," I rested my forehead in my palm, leaning against the wall. "I'm too tired."

"We won't do anything," he sounded sincere, but I didn't believe him. "I swear to you, babe. Tell me where you are and I'll get there."

"Cain," I tried to keep some semblance of control, but the thing about Cain is that he's like a tornado - uncontrollable and likely to sweep everyone up with him. It wouldn't surprise me if he decided to move his party to Uniens.

"Don't tell me I can't come to see you, Mercy." His tone suddenly became low and dangerous. "Don't do that to me. I don't like it."

"Not tonight," I conceded. "You can't come over tonight. You're drunk, and I don't want you driving."

"You're so good for me babe," he sighed. "Don't worry. I'll get one of my mates to drive me. He's hardly drunk. Tell me where you are and we can party."

"No," my voice was more obstinate now, a little louder. I winced, conscious that I might have awakened someone. The door to my room opened and Anna emerged, bleary eyed. She grabbed my phone from my ear, pressed the 'end' button and, before I could protest, slammed the door in my face. I heard a distinct *clack* on the other side of the door.

The bitch had locked me out.

Well, I had no other option but to find somewhere else to sleep. I tried Tasha and Vanessa's room, but there was no answer. Instead, I headed downstairs, deciding to sleep on the sofa in the lounge.

There was a nice fire in the hearth as I entered and lay along the lounge sofa. The heat was pleasant against my skin, and the sight of the flames fascinated me. I watched as they slowly consumed the logs, sending little sparks out into the room that faded and died on the edge of the hearth. There was a nice, earthen smell, which I inhaled deeply. Fire didn't have to be scary - though it had destroyed the Isaac's family, now it helped me sleep.

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