A New School

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Chapter Twenty Six

This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.

James 3:15-16

"You're in my History class, Cece," Tasha announced, the moment I let her through my door. I'd only just woken up - thanks to the fact she'd been tapping on my door for the last five minutes, which I really didn't appreciate.

Anna was in an even worse state than I was. Still half-asleep, she grumbled something about noisy bitches and turned over, placing her pillow over her ears.

"Ignore the cow," I muttered. "What are you going on about, you noisy bitch?"

Tasha grinned. She was already dressed for the day, wearing all black. Skinny jeans - which was the first time I'd seen her wearing trousers except for the sweatpants she wore to go running with me - a black Ralph Lauren silk shirt, which was unbuttoned just enough to show a little cleavage, and a blazer. Her hair was tied back in a neat bun and she wore a little more makeup than usual.

Vanessa, who'd followed her in, wore blue jeans and a navy jumper. Her hair was tied back into a French plait, and she carried a satchel. Sitting herself down on my bed, she smirked.

"The school bus will get here in about... thirty minutes," she explained. "So, unless you're planning on skipping breakfast, I suggest you get a move on."

Nope, I had absolutely no intention of missing breakfast. I pulled off my pyjamas - that shopping trip had pretty much immunised me from being shy about my body - threw them at Vanessa and headed with a fresh set of clothes, into the bathroom.

"How do you know my timetable before I do?" I asked, exasperatedly, stepping into the shower.

"Mum's on the governing body," Tasha replied. "She sent me your timetable last night. You've got English first, and then we've got History at one."

"And you and I have French first," Vanessa said to Tasha.

"Ugh, French," I muttered, grateful they couldn't hear me over the sound of running water. Susana had taken French - and I'd sworn to myself there was nothing I could detest more than the sound of her speaking French to some of the guests at the hotel. Some said it sounded beautiful - to me it sounded irritating.

"Come on, hurry up!" Tasha prompted, slapping her hands together animatedly. Anna groaned from her bed, and Tasha's voice became a shout as she turned her attention to my sleeping roommate.


I heard the sound of Anna getting up, mumbling curses under her breath, before she pulled open the bathroom door.

 "GET OUT!" I yelled at her. "I AM TRYING TO TAKE A SHOWER!"


She stomped off, slamming the bathroom door behind her. Then the wardrobe door was slammed after she got out her clothes. Finally, the bedroom door was slammed as she stormed out. The moment that third door had been slammed, Tasha and Vanessa burst into fits of giggles.

"I'm glad you find this so amusing," I called out to them.

The mocking and laughter didn't stop until we went down to breakfast and they could stuff toast into their mouths. By then, everyone else in the house knew exactly what had happened.

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