1.37 The Seven Deadly Sins

Start from the beginning

Pride "The root of all sin. And you... are Elena Singer."

I looked at him surprised.

Pride nodded " That's right. I've heard of you. We've all heard of you. The little princess. Looking at you now, I got to tell you, don't believe the hype. You think i'm gonna bow to a cut-rate, piss-poor human like you? I have my pride, after all. "

I rolled my eyes.

Pride "And with your daddy in hell, You're fair game now, and it's open season. "

My eyes widened in fear and in confusion.

Pride came at me and went to punch me but i dodged and sent him flying back.

Suddenly Sam and a woman walked inside and the woman slit Pride's throat. Pride died.

I Asked Sam shocked "what the hell was that? and who the hell is she? "

I looked at her "who the hell are you?"

Ruby "I'm gone"

Then she walked out. Sam and i looked at each other and followed her but she was already gone.


Sam and Dean were putting the corpses into a hole they had dug outside. They poured fuel and salt over it. Then i threw a lighter at them and they caught fire. Tamara was standing yards away watching Isaac burn.

Sam " Think she's gonna be all right? "

Dean shook his head "No. Definitely not. "

Dad walked to us, looking exhausted.

Dean " Well,you look like hell warmed over. "

Bobby " You try exorcising all night and see how you feel."

Sam " Any survivors, Bobby?"

Dad nodded " Well,the pretty girl and the heavy guy, they'll make it. Lifetime of therapy bills ahead,but,still... "

Dean" That's more than you can say for these poor bastards. "

Sam" Bobby, that knife -- what kind of blade can kill a demon? "

Dad " Yesterday, I would have said there was no such thing."

Dean"I'm just gonna ask it again -- who was that masked chick? Actually, the more troubling question would be, "how come a girl can fight better than you?" "

He asked Sam.

Sam" Three demons, Dean. At once"

Dean rolled his eyes amused "Hey,whatever it takes to get you through the night, pal."

Sam " Yeah, well, if you want a troubling question, I got one for you. "

Dean"What's that? "

Sam"If we let out the seven deadly sins, what else did we let out? "

Dean"You're right. That is troubling. "


Tamara walked past us with a bag over her shoulder "See you gents around. "

Dad "Tamara?"

She looked at him.

Dad " The world just got a lot scarier. Be careful."

She nodded "You too."

She got in her car and took off.

Dad looked at the boys " Keep your eyes peeled for omens. I'll do the Same. "

Dean nodded "You got it. "

Dad and i walked to our car.

Sam "Wait, Bobby."

We looked at him.

Sam " We can win this war, right? "

Dad thought about it " Catch you on the next one. "

Dean nodded.

Dad and i got in the car and Dad drove off.

I sighed and rolled the back of my seat back.

Dad "you tired ?"

I nodded "yeah"

Dad "how do you copy with the whole one year thing with Dean?"

Me "i don't want him to die, Dad, he doesn't deserve to die"

Dad nodded "i know"

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