"Thanks," her heart beat fast each time Brayden passed her.

"Hm, I've noticed you're interested in Brayden."

"What?" She turned to face her. "No-no i haven't" She sheepishly smiled.

"I don't believe you, Liberty. It's hard not too. I'm going to get that table, everyone has fallen for that boy at least once at this restaurant. You're not the only one." Zoe walked away, menus and notepad.

She put what Zoe said to reality and looked around the room. Liberty sucked in the air around her sharply. His eyes, beautiful as always met hers across the room. She blinked, and he was gone. She moaned under her breath. He was so, beautiful! He was sweet and charming. And rude, he was ignoring her this whole morning!

"Liberty! Hey!" her eyes fluttered open. Thank the Lord! It was Brayden, smiling and still had that glow about him. "Hey, Brayden. Almost thought you weren't going to come!"

"What, you waited for me?" He smirked.

"I don't know anyone else, Brayden." She giggled. "Anyway, about that beer you accidentally mentioned yesterday, I was wondering do you want to go get-"

"Brayden!" A girl calls his voice from behind them. He waves, his cheeks turning red.

"Hey, babe!" he glances at Liberty as her mouth gapes open. The girl wraps an arm around Brayden's waist. Her nails a deep red to match the lipstick she sports so well on her lips. "Liberty, this is-"

"Hi, I'm Samantha." Samantha interjected.

"Yeah, Samantha. Anyway, Liberty you were saying something?"

"Oh! Nothing!" Liberty's cheeks turned red. She felt embarrassed that she didn't even suspect a girlfriend in this situation. "Hah, well- oh! Zoe's calling me. Have a good evening- afternoon."

"Nice meeting you!" Samantha called as Liberty left them not even looking back, shaking her head.

"Hey babe," Samantha watched Liberty storm away. "Was that the girl you said you met yesterday?"

"Yeah. I mean like she only knows me..she hasn't met Zoe yet, I'm sure of it."

"Why'd she walk away..? But whatever, who cares right?"

"Yeah. Right." Brayden sighed. Samantha grabbed his hand,

"Soooo, about Friday. How about after dinner we go back to my place? How does that sound?" Brayden ignored her and watched Liberty take a table's order.

"That sounds great," Brayden said without taking his eyes off of Liberty. "Look, I got to go. Take some peoples orders?"

"Uh, yeah. Totally." Samantha says tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, clearly flustered for being ignored like that. "I'll t-text you later, K?"

"Yeah, yeah." Brayden kisses her cheek as she walks back to her car. Samantha pulls the door open and plops down on the seat. She watches Brayden make a straight beeline towards Liberty. She turns away as soon as she knows he's caught up to her and closes her eyes.

"Hey, Liberty." Liberty looks up from the pile of orders she took from the customers. "You know...Zoe? Already?"

"Um, Yeah." Liberty nods her head. "Why do you care? I don't need only you Brayden."

"Oh, I'm sorry. And, I'm sorry about not telling you I had a girlfriend or implied that there was someone else in my life. I hope I didn't lead you on. But I mean at least you know now and not after like 3 months. Haha right?" Liberty stared back . "I kinda forgot...?" He said rubbing the back of his head.

"Woah, hold on. Forgot? Forgot? She's supposed to be the best thing in your life! I mean unless you're not getting along too well right now. But clearly you are getting along just fine until she finds out you forgot. Come on. If I ever date you, you better not forget that I am your girlfriend."Liberty said looking back to the orders.

"Who said we were ever going to date?" Liberty's face flushed.

"Sorry... What?"

"You said if you ever dated me I better not forget you."

"Hah, well um.." Her face burned a darker red each second. "I think you understand, Brayden. You shouldn't forget someone if you're in a relationship."

"Right. Well I meant I forgot to tell you."

"Well," Liberty casts a look to the street where Samantha's car sits."If you 'remembered' you had a girlfriend, why did you flirt with me yesterday?"

"I'm the welcoming committee!" Brayden threw his hands up in the air. Liberty smiled as she arranged the menus back into the reservation podium. "And I couldn't you're-you're hard not to notice." Brayden blushed.

"Well thanks, but a boy with a girlfriend should only think about her." Liberty starts to walk away, Brayden close behind.

"Hey! I'm not done talking to you!" He places his hand on her shoulder. Liberty feels his touch and slowly turns to his blushing face. "Do you mind telling me what you were going to say before Samantha joined us." His breath coming out in large sighs.

Liberty exhaled a large breath, trying not to look him in the eye. "You know, it wasn't much. I mean I was only going to ask you out to get a drink. But honestly I just want to go so we can get to know each other. And, that would be useful since you never told me about, Samantha."

"Perfect. I know a great place we can go, get some beers, get to know one another. How about it? Around 6:00?"

"Also, you can bring Samantha. There's more about that part of you than I'm seeing."

"Sounds good, I'll see you then. Meet me here?"

"Great." Liberty smiles.

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