Chapter 6

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"Are you hungry?" I asked, dropping my knapsack on Tin's floor, trying to change the course of the conversation.

"You told me that this won't happen again and how did you go through the gate? There are dogs on the ground. Do you realize how dangerous this is?"

I came here to see her and forget about the fight my dad and I had this morning. Not to get scolded by my girlfriend.

"I know it is but... I need to see you."

"Nangbola ka pa." She said still trying to sound mad but her lips betrayed her. Her goddess-like face is now plastered with a wide grin.

"Namiss kita. Sobra!"

I sighed, pulling her back in a really tight embrace not bothering about the pain covering my body. I was hesitant about sneaking in here. I've been thoroughly planning about this move of mine for about a week now but Dad thought it was a good morning to have a fight. That we should start our day with a cage match. I didn't want Kristine to see me covered in bruises. I almost backed out of the plan and reserve it until my bruises heal. But I had to see her. I missed her way too much. Life is suffocating without her.

"Namiss din kita. I'm sorry I didn't mean to freak out on you kanina. Nagworry lang ako."

"I know. But I assure you, I'm being careful. Walang mangyayaring masama sa akin."

"You said something like that last time and look at your face. May nangyari na namang masama. Ako na naman ba yung reason kung bakit kayo nag-away ng daddy mo?"

"No Tin."

If there is somebody to blame, it's me. Whenever Dad confronts me bout us, my temper gets the better of me.

"Don't lie to me. I know I'm the cause of this." She pulled away and avoided my gaze.

"It doesn't matter, okay? I love you and I thought I already told you... I'd rather have someone beat me up constantly than lose you."

"But I can't see you like this. I can't see you physically hurt. Especially if I'm the cause of it.

Damn it! I hate her tears!

"I'm ok. I'll admit kanina..." I sighed. "...a month ago, I wasn't damn close to being fine. But now that I get to be here... With you. Now that I can talk to you and touch you... I am more than fine. I can take on another month without seeing you. I'm recharged."

"I can't. I can't go another month like this. The past month is hell and this house is too confining. I've never had asthma before and I don't have it now. But I think I now know how asthmatic people feel when they are having an attack. Ang hirap huminga."

"I know. I felt the same way. I couldn't focus on anything. You're all I could think of." I said, wiping away teardrops on her cheeks.

"Please stop crying. Masyado ka nang iyakin." I joked.

"Hoy! Hindi ah! Kung naging iyakin man ako, that's your fault. I wasn't like this until you came along."

"Corny. But sweet."

Again I teased. Para naman kahit papaano, makalimutan namin ang mga masamang nangyayari and enjoy what's left of our night together.

"Hey! That's my line!" She giggled through her tears.

"Now that's what I want to hear."

"You want to hear 'hey that's my line'?"

"Cute... I meant your laugh. It's the sound I've been wanting to hear for the past month. Kahit sa phone nga lang ok na eh. Which reminds me..." I went to my knapsack and pulled out my present for her.

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