Chapter 13

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Luke's P.O.V.

The plane landed and I nudged Rachel to wake her up. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Plane landed. They are getting out suitcases inside and then we go. " "okay". I have her the sunglasses again. "Again?" she asked. "I'm afraid so." She quickly did her hair in a messy bun again and put the sunglasses on. Michael came over. She smiled and ruffles his green hair. She threw his favorite stuffed lion Daniel around the plane and he would pretend to be a dog and fetch. Rachel would laugh. "Alright everyone it's time to go" said Liam. We all stood up and I grabbed Rachel's hand. We walked out of the plane and into the airport. Fans screamed. Some of the boys went to sign autographs. Zayn walked over to us. "Here I'll take care of Rachel and you go sign autographs. " I nodded and Rachel grabbed Zayn's arm and stayed close to him in the mob of fans. I signed a few autographs and then walked through the rest of the mob to the spot where the other boys were waiting. I grabbed Rachel's hand and held her close. We left he airport and made it to the hotel. Fans were all around so we went through the back entrance. We each got our room and Rachel had her own room. I told her I would meet her around five for dinner and went to my room. We had three shows in the next four days. I notice a tweet from Rachel's old friend Tyler. He tagged Rachel and me. @Tyler_Martin.: @Rachel_426 and @Luke5SOS Heard you guys r leaving. Take care of her. I noticed Rachel has tweeted back saying she would take pictures and that was it. I sighed. I left the hotel room and went across to Rachel's. I opened the door and saw Rachel sitting on her bed and looking at photos. I say next to her and she smiled. I glanced at the photos. It was of her and her girls at the orphanage. I smiled at her. She seemed so happy then.

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