Chapter 2

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Rachel's P.O.V.

My alarm went off at 5:30. I groaned. Today was the day people were coming to look at us and decide if they wanted to adopt one of us. I normally stayed in my room while the people were here because no one wanted a 16 year old girl with a bad past and scars covering her body. I knew the routine, people would ask for me and stare at me, ask me questions, see my scars, read about my past , and then politely say "we will think about it " and then leave. They never came back. It was normal.I sighed but got up and took a shower. I got out and grabbed clothes. I choose tiny shorts and a white crop top. I grabbed my black converse and went to do my makeup. I put hair up in a messy bun for the moment. I did mascara and eye liner. I let my hair loose and straightened it. I sighed and brushed my teeth. I walked downstairs. The girls were eating breakfast. I sat down and smiled at them. They ate quietly. I knew they were worried about leaving. "Don't worry girls. it would be that bad now go get dressed and then I'll do your hair". They nodded and races upstairs to get ready. 5 minutes later 11 girls were in my room lined up. I did each of their hair and sent them off to go to Mary. I sighed. I decided to text Tyler.

Me: Hey

Tyler : sup

me: just want this day to be overrrrrr

Tyler : me too. me too but don't worry. it will be okay and I'll be there

me : thanks. ily so much your the best

Tyler : love ya too and gtg get ready.

me: bye.

I smiled and laughed. Usual Tyler always late and behind. I smirked and sighed. 4 hours till they got here...

Adopted by One Direction & Five Seconds of SummerWhere stories live. Discover now