Chapter 9

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Rachel's P.O.V.

I think the interview went pretty well. It was a little awkward. I sat next to Luke in the limo. I thought about what happened. Did this mean luke and I were a things like together? I shrugged it off and played my music. Luke took my ear buds and we listens to "Green Day". When we reached the flat I walked up stairs to my room. I changed into a pair of shorts and a top that was black and lacy. I grabbed my converse and put my hair in a fishtail braid. I waled back downstairs to see the boys playing video games. I smiled at them. " I'll be back later"i yelled and walked outside. I plugged my ear buds in and ran down the street. I hear Lou yell from the step "WHERE ARE YOU ! YOU CANT LEAVE ME HERE ALONE!" I smirked but continued running. I raced down the sidewalk for about thirty minutes. I finally came to the building I wanted to be in. I walked

into the orphanage. I heard girls screaming and yelling in the back of the orphanage. I smiled. I walked into the office to see Mary looking down at papers. "Knock knock?". Mary looked up and gasped "Rachel your back!" Not to stay but just a visit." Mary smiled and nodded. "Well the girls are outside so go visits them". I smiled and nodded. I raced outside the doors leading to the yard. I saw Tyler leaning against the wall and he was watching them. I walked next to him. "sup ". His eyes widen and he picked me up and hugged me. I squealed and laughed. He smiled and kissed my forehead. What are you doing here!!? ". "Came for a visit ". He smiled and by this time the girls had noticed and were racing to hug me. I bent down and hugged them all. I smiled. I felt better at this place. this was my "home. " I ended up staying for several hours before Tyler offered to take me home. I accepted his offer and we walked to the flat I know had to learn to call "home". When we reached the front door I kissed his cheek and hugged him. "Take care of them please. "I will always". I smiled and we showed out tattoos to each other as a symbol of our friendship and I turned and knocked on the door. Luke answered the door. He pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. "uh hello?" "We didn't know where you went we were worried". "oh I just went to the orphanage. " His mouth made an O shape before I was tackled by all the boys. I groaned. "Thanks guys!". I was helped up and I noticed I didn't see Red. Liam must have thought what I was thinking. "She's at the movies". I nodded. "Oh ". I glanced at the clock. It was about 9:45 pm. I sighed. "We are gonna watch a movie wanna join?" Niall asked. I nodded. I raced upstairs and changed into more comfortable clothes. We needed up watching "The ring" it was some kind of horror movie. I sound started drifting off to sleep. I heard a whisper "Look she fell asleep in Luke's lap". I didn't move. I just breathed softly. I felt arms wrap around me. I stayed still and breathed slowly. Luke voice was heard. " Let's watch the end and I'll put her in her bed before we go to bed. The boys whispered okay and watched the rest of the movie I think. I did fall asleep in Luke's arm apparently cause the next thing I know I felt arms wrap around me and lift me up. I was being carried bridal style in Luke's arm. I opened my eyes slightly and saw we were in Luke's room. I closed my eyes. Luke layed my on his bed while he did something. I felt him pick me up but I pretended to wake up. "oh sorry" I yawned. "It's fine. I curled up in his bed. He smiled. " This isn't your bed ". "I know but I'm comfortable". He raised an eye brow. "Okay I'll just grab a pillow and sleep on the floor next to you. I shook my head. I moved over. "Here sleep next to me. i trust you. " "You sure ". I nodded and he climbed into the bed next to me. I snuggled closer to him and I felt his arms wrap around me. "Goodnight " "Night Luke ". I yawned but then realized I couldn't fall asleep but I didn't want to move. I looked at Luke. His eyes were open. He looked down at me and smiled. He began to sing softly one of out favorite songs. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep into a happy comfortable sleep.

Adopted by One Direction & Five Seconds of Summerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن