Chapter 10

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Luke's P.O.V.

I woke up to see a sleeping Rachel in my arms. Her breathing was softly and she seemed quite comfortable. I yawned. I tried to go back to sleep but 30 minutes later with no success I carefully tried to move my arms with out waking Rachel. It didn't work. She felt it and moves closer. I sighed. "Rachel I need to get up" She mumbled something and rolled over and let my arms free. "thank you". I got another mumble. She turned back over so she was facing me. She opened her eyes and looked up at me. She smiled. I smiled back. "What time is it?". "9:30 ". She groaned and sat up. She rubbed her eyes. I smiled at her. She smirked and ran a hand through her hair. I went into my bathroom and I heard her get up from the bed and leave my room. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I went downstairs about an hour later to see Rachel sitting the couch with her earbuds in her ears and her wet hair in a messy bun. She must have taken a shower. She didn't notice me so I went and sat down next to her. She looked down at her phone and paused her music. "What ya doing?" "Listening to music". I smiled and took one of her earbuds. "American Idiot" was playing. I laughed and she smiled and we listened to the song. When the song was over we went into the kitchen to get breakfast. I saw her glance at the cereal but she grabbed an apple instead and ate that. The boys came down and we started talking. We had the next week off. Michaels and most of the rest of the boys plan was to sleep. "Why don't me and Rachel go and visit some places and go shopping ?" I asked. Rachel smiled. "I like that idea". "I wanna come if we can get food!!" Niall exclaimed. I chuckled and said "sure" A hour later Rachel, Niall and I were walking downtown. Rachel had seemed to be enjoying herself. "I WANT FOOD!" Niall exclaimed. "Okay okay lets go" We walked into a restaurant and ordered food. Niall ate his and then stole some of Rachel's and my food. I laughed. We walked out the door and fans were screaming and crowding around us. "How did they find out we were here?". Rachel shrugged. "I may have tweeted something and forgot to turn off my location services" Niall confessed innocently. I groaned. I grabbed Rachel's hand and Niall followed us and we pushed our way through the crowd. We finally made it to a clothing store and hid in there. I called Paul and asked him to come and get us. 20 minutes later we were escorted to the limo and drove back to our flat. We reached the house and Rachel said she was going to go make a call to her friend Tyler and she walked upstairs. Niall and I walked into the living room and saw everyone sitting on the couches even Red. They looked at me and Niall "What's going on?" I asked. Paul told us to sat down and told us that he had to tell us something. "well boys you are going on tour. You leave in 4 days. "What!!" Liam yelled. "We can't go on tour. We have Rachel to look after and she's new! She won't be ready for a tour!". "You have options", said Paul. "Red and her can stay behind here unless Red once to come or you can being her or you can send her back". The boys shook there heads no. "we won't send her back" replied Liam. "but I wanna go " pouted Red. "Then you shall "said Liam. "What about Rachel?" I asked. "she will come with us". Liam said. So that was settled. We left for tour in 4 days and Rachel was coming. Rachel come downstairs. The boys and Red looked at her. "What ?" she asked. Paul sat her down. "The boys and Red and so are you are going on tour. You leave in 4 days". "w-w-ww-what ?" asked a shocked Rachel. I walked over to her. "your coming on tour with us". She nodded and then shook her head. "but all those people I'll just get in the way". "No you won't "Liam said. "it will be fun." so what so you say. will you come on tour with us?". "I guess " replied Rachel. I smiled at her and kisses her forehead. She just sat on the chair and thought about how much her life was changing.

Rachel's P.O.V.

I was going on tour with the boys. I felt Luke's lips against my forehead. I closed my eyes and when he pulled away I smiled slightly and then stared out the window. I was leaving again. I was going around the world. I would be leaving Gabby and Tyler for a long time. I asked the question that had made me worried. "How long will we be gone?" I asked. Paul looked at me and smiled sadly. "8 months.". The boys sighed in relief. I raised an eye brow at them. "Normally our tours are longer like 10 months or even a year." explained Harry. I nodded. I looked out the window while he explained other stuff to the boys. I was leaving in four days for who's no where and for 8 months. I was leaving Gabby and Tyler.

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