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Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Middle Name
L/N = Last Name
H/C = Hair Colour
H/L = Hair Length
E/C = Eye Colour
S/T = Skin Tone
POV = Point of View
F/F = Favorite Food
F/D = Favorite Drink
F/C = Favorite Colour
▪ or ●○● or ○●○ = a separator.
Italics = Thoughts, Emphasis.
Parenthesis  = A small reminder or conversion.



▪Y/N Pov▪

"I challenge you to a fight!"

"Hmm let me think," I tap my chin as if I were actually considering fighting that idiot, "Uh, no." I smile my signature sarcastic smile and sit down, back to my poker face. Natsu looks at me disappointed.

"I never knew that the great and powerful Y/N L/N was such a coward. What a shame," he teases with his arms above his head.

"What did you just say?" I could tell he could feel my death glare piercing through him because he winced.

"You're in for it now, you big moron," Gray rubs salt into Natsu's soon to be wound. His ass was about to be whipped.

Happy flies over with popcorn and a stand that read "Bet who's going to win! Natsu vs Y/N!" A few people placed bets on Natsu, but many placed their bets on me. Smart choice.

"3!" Calls the cat. I begin slipping off my gloves with my teeth once again.

"Y/N," interrupts Master Makarov. I glance over at the worried man, "please go easy on Natsu. For the sake of his health and for the sake of this guild staying in one piece," he requests, clearly sweating nervously. I slip my gloves back on, placing my right hand over my chest, bowing.

"Yes, Master, as you wish." I look at Natsu once more, his flames now blazing up his arms. I fix my posture. "Remember, a fair fight is to be had. No cheating, fire dragon."

"2!" Continues Happy. Kana gets another barrel of booze and begins to drink it, readying to watch the fight. Others were either doing the same with a cup of their preferred drink or some food.

"1, Go!" The match started. I pull out my katana from my belt.

Natsu attempts to punch my face, I stop his hand and smirk. Nothing had burned me. I mouth the words, "Bye Bye, Natsu." He looked astonished. I swiftly move behind him and duck, I knew he would try to kick me. I used my katana to poke him in the back, not like a stab, but more of a friendly poke with a needle. He yells out in anger and pain.

"Did that hurt, Salamander?" I tease, my voice laced with fake innocence. I once again, switch sides of him, putting my katana away in the process, and uppercut him in the chin, knocking him out cold. I dust my attire off, fixing my gloves.

"She's so strong!" Lucy gawks, "And she's so quick! I could barely see what was happening!" I wink at Lucy. I swear I could almost see her faint. What a cutie.

The guild roars with laughter. Natsu is face down on the ground, groaning. I place my foot on his back making him wheeze.

"Champion!" I say loudly with a big smile, point my katana upwards in victory. "In Sabertooth, I would've been told off for doing this." I say not quite as loudly but loud enough for anyone close to hear, slowly taking my foot off of Natsu's back and putting my katana back.

Laughter was still heard in the guild. Erza was applauding. Whistles were heard, but this time, because of my strength, not femine features. I actually smile genuinely. I feel at home here. I can see Kana laughing her ass off at Natsu, I can hear Mirajane and Lucy praising me, I can see Erza and some others applauding my victory. It felt good to be with the Fairies in Fairy Tail. The only person not smiling or doing anything was Gray Fullbuster.

"Eh? What's wrong Gray?" I stick my tounge out at him. "Did this remind you of years ago when we fought?" His glare intensified. Natsu's ears noticeably peeked.

"Yes, indeed it does. How you oh so unfairly cheated me out of my win that day. Say, Y/N," he asks in a sour tone, "why didn't ya used your magic in this fight?" Gray calls me out. I smirk.

"Aren't you smart? Well, to put it simply, I was told to go easy on Natsu. I didn't use my magic because it would kill the poor man," I explain. I fix my gloves as if they were slipping off my hand once more. "But you see, I didn't cheat the last time we fought, darling. My magic couldn't have killed you back then, I was only a little kid. I think you're just a sore loser," like a child, I stick my tounge out at him once more. He looks away covering his face with one hand, embarrassed looking almost. Natsu laughs.

"You lost to this chick when she was little?" Natsu laughs, "Man, I knew you were weak, but not that weak!"

"You lost to Y/N just now, flamebrain! Don't try to tell me off for something you did to!" Gray yells in defense.

"He's right, ya know," I poke Natsu's cheek, "You shouldn't tease someone for what you've done too. Might want to think before you say."

Deciding that the fight was tiring, I go to the bar and order f/d from Mira.

▪Time Skip▪
I sit down at Erza's table, just then noticing a lot of people have been leaving. "Erza, what time would you say it is?" I ask. I'm running out of time. I need to ask someone for a place to stay asap.

"Around 6:00 PM, why do you ask?" She replies. I shrug.

"Shit have I really been here this long?" I space out and try to remember any particularly kind people I met or reunited with for the past hours. Then, I remember the cheerful blonde, Lucy. I smirk and get up, striding my way to Lucy, who at the moment was talking to Natsu, Happy, and Gray.

"Oh Lucy?" I purr, putting my face on the table, looking right into her eyes, "Would you mind if I stay the night tonight and maybe tomorrow night?" I give her my best puppy eyes. Gray rolls his eyes at me, Natsu just blankly starting at my back... or what I hoped was my back.

"Of course! Thanks for asking!" She looks at Natsu and Gray when she says the word "asking." I could tell they irritate her a lot. "Maybe you two could take some manner lessons from Y/N."

"So you want us to make up an act to stay at your house?" Natsu tilts his head "innocently."

"I NEEDED A PLACE TO STAY FOR THE NIGHT I CAN'T AFFORD ANYTHING RIGHT NOW, OKAY?" I yell at Natsu angrily. He nods his head in fear.

Now I just need some money.


Hey! I don't really have anything to say atm, but, maybe next chapter I'll give you a small Gray pov on why he looked away. ~Xoxo ♡

•Ice Cold• Gray Fullbuster x Reader •Fanfiction•Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon