•Magic • Part 1•

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Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Middle Name
L/N = Last Name
H/C = Hair Colour
H/L = Hair Length
E/C = Eye Colour
S/T = Skin Tone
POV = Point of View
F/F = Favorite Food
F/C = Favorite Colour
▪ or ●○● or ○●○ = a separator, not really an abriviation. Will be used in certain places.
Italics = Thoughts. Or an Onomatopoeia. Or emphasising. Not really an abriviation, but thought I should put it here so no one becomes confused.
Parenthesis = A small reminder or conversion of money or standard to metric system.



Glimpse of Gray's POV☆

   I could feel my face heat up ever so slightly when Y/N teasingly said "darling." I don't think I showed any color in my face, as she didn't make a dumb remark.

   "-You're just a sore loser," Y/N finishes while sticking her tounge out, like a child.

   Dammit that was cute. I look away, attempting to cover my face. I still don't understand. Why does she seem to hypnotize me to like her when in reality, I hate her guts. Emotions are confusing and dumb... Girls are too. But I know deep down inside, emotions can't be contained, no matter how hard I try.

   •7:42 PM•

   ▪Y/N's POV▪

   "Hey, thanks, Lucy, for letting me stay at your place tonight. I'm just not at a very good spot right now," I thank my probably now new best friend, Lucy. She smiles and waves her hands in the air. We were just talking about random stuff while she leads me to her apartment.

   "It's honestly nothing! You needed a place to stay. At least you actually ask, unlike those two idiots Gray and Natsu," her voice begins to sound sour when she says "idiots." I laugh at her remark.

   "Man, those two really irritate you, huh, Lu?" I tease. She sighs deeply and places her hand to her forehead as to say, "You don't even know."

    "We're here! Not too bad, huh?" Lucy points to a small sized apartment, looks like it's suitable for one. A smile tugs at my lips. The flowers in her windowsill was a nice touch. I gotta say, it seems like something Lucy would like.

   "I love it," I say, my voice laced with sincerity. She gives me a tour of her small apartment, showing me where her bed is, where the bathroom is, ect. She gave me a fluffy blanket and a soft pillow and sets up an area on the floor with a water mattress.

   "Get comfy! There's plenty of room if you want to move around. I mean, if you ever feel uncomfortable alone at night, just come hop in bed with me, I won't mind," she smiles brightly. I gotta admit, she was hella pretty. I'm wondering if it would be awkward if I crawled into bed with her.

   "Alright! I'm going to go change out of my attire so I can get comfortable. G'night, Lu!" Lucy says good night and I can hear her crawl into bed as I walk into the bathroom. I close the door behind me, digging into my bags.

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