32 • unravelled

Start from the beginning

The only thing stupid was that he'd insulted me twice in the space of a minute and it still somehow managed to make my heart flutter.

"I want to get some things from a shopping plaza nearby," Aunt Vic informs me. "Haven's been low on stock lately, who knows when we'll be in a real town again."

I nod in reply. "I'll just wait in the car."

Uncle Ted helps me stuff the rest of my luggage into the trunk, before I wordlessly slip into the back seat.

A couple minutes later after a short conversation with my aunt, he joins me in the car, taking a seat behind the wheel, which he taps absentmindedly to fill the silence.

He looks up at me through the rear view mirror with worry in his eyes. Conflicted, I turn away, facing the window.

"Enjoying the scenery out there?" Uncle Ted asks me.

"Yep," I reply, drawing out the vowel. "The sun really shines nicely on the gravel in this parking lot. It really makes that grey colour...pop."

Uncle Ted sighs.

"Okay, Emma. I know there's a problem? What is it?"


"At least look at me," Uncle Ted pleads and the guilt kicks in again.

Grudgingly, I meet his eyes. "I know you were an Agent."

Immediately, Uncle Ted stiffens. Turning round to face me, he asks, "How did you find out?"

"Does it matter?" I reply, unable to hide my hurt. "Is it true? Has all of this really been a lie? Have you been working for Morgana this entire time?"

"Whoa there, Em, hold your horses. First, I wouldn't say I ever worked for Morgana. Even back in the day, she was high, but not high enough that I'd be working under her..."

"But you did work in the same organisation she did. That's why she calls you Edward, and why you acted so weirdly the first time she visited when I was there," I realise.

Uncle Ted hesitates. "Yes," he replies wincing.

"Why didn't you ever tell me? Why keep it a secret?"

"We never meant to—"

"And even if not when I was younger, why didn't you tell me when I found out about my abilities?"

Uncle Ted rubs his forehead. "It's a bit more complicated than that—"

Before he can elaborate, Aunt Victoria slides into the front seat and Uncle Ted's mouth clips shut. At the same moment, we look down to see what Aunt Victoria has bought and Uncle Ted's forehead crinkles.

"I thought you were going to get baking supplies. For that huge order you've got next week," he asks.

Aunt Victoria's hand flies to her mouth. "You're right," she gasps. "I totally forgot. I just remembered we were missing a couple groceries and then I saw this cute new collar that would be perfect for Cleo and —" Aunt Victoria stops herself. "Give me a minute. I'll be back in a jiffy."

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