sequel: misfits - OUT NOW!

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IT STARTS AGAIN in a cafe in Lucerne

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IT STARTS AGAIN in a cafe in Lucerne.

That acute feeling I get whenever the three of us are gathered together. Like ten thousand neurons are firing all at the same time, trying to alert me of some imminent danger. Something bad is about to happen. Great.

I take a long sip of my drink and try to drown out this feeling, focusing instead on my surroundings. There's an old clock at the centre of the plaza which catches my eye. I watch as the thin, black metal spokes slowly whir around, meeting each other just below '12'. It triggers a series of bells to start chiming. It's midday now.

They should be here soon.

The ice cubes in my iced frappe melted a long time ago, and the late summer weather makes my coffee lukewarm. It's far from appetising, but I sip on it anyway. Undeniably, I arrived too early, but I couldn't risk missing them. It took me almost three months to track them in the first place.

I twiddle my fingers in anticipation. I can feel the gaze of the woman who served me my drink. She's been staring at me like that, in a pitiful sort of way, for the past fifteen minutes. You don't need to be psychic to tell what's she thinking. To her it looks like I just got stood up by my date.

At least she's not kicking me out her cafe. I try to ignore the staring, but when she brings her husband out to explain the situation, I can't help but glance over at the whispering pair.


I've made eye contact.

The woman passes me a sympathetic smile and an enthusiastic thumbs up while I cringe internally. I return the smile awkwardly then face away, desperately pleading to the forces of the universe that I'm really not about to get stood up.

Luckily for me (and my dignity), two familiar faces pull up on a cobbled street adjacent to the cafe in a compact white Jeep I recognise from my vision. From behind the steering wheel, I see Emma gesture to the left, motioning that she's going to find somewhere to park.

I breathe out as a sigh of relief as my eyes then fall on the occupant of the passenger seat. Cole smoothens out the frown on his face long enough to give me a little wave before the car disappears around the corner.

While Madame Florentino (which also happens to be the name of the cafe) goes to inform her husband of this latest development, I straighten up in my seat, tucking away curly wisps of my dark hair behind my ear.

Why are Cole and Emma in Switzerland, you ask?

That's what I'd like to know myself.


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Three months after the invasion at Dauntley Academy, Cassandra Noble still finds herself picking up the pieces. With Morgana still out of commission, Cass takes it upon herself to ensure that all the FREAKS that didn't return to the DA the following academic year are where they should be.

When a vision helps her discover Emma and Cole's current location, Cass sees it as an opportunity to finally bring her runaway friends home. Except things aren't ever as easy as they seem.

All Cass would like to do is forget the past and move on, but as her straightforward trip winds her up in the middle of a turf war on Delta Island  — not to mention an increasing number of unregistered freaks popping up all over the place, Cass realises she may need a little help picking up pieces.

Because right now, there's a whole puzzle full of pieces that don't fit in.

Because right now, there's a whole puzzle full of pieces that don't fit in

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