20 • war

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humans, how tragically destructive we are.
raine cooper


   "YOU know, when I agreed to let you talk, I didn't think you'd literally turn me into your personal diary," Cole comments.

He is right. Recently, I've been visiting Cole practically everyday (sometimes even more than once in a day) with new tidbits and backstories to confess. In a way, he's become a sort of diary for me— but the day I admitted that to him would be the day that unicorns became an indigenous species to Beta Island.

"D'you want to hear the story or not?" I say instead.

Cole mulls this over for a while, sighing when he decides. "Sure, why not?"

26 Hours Ago

It begins on the morning of our first session of the year at the Dome.

One week and three days after Cole and I become on civil speaking terms. A week after I have my first one-to-one with my Personal Skills Development trainer. Four days after I inform Professor Horowitz of my progress in the 'talking to someone' project.

"You have to become our mediator," Willow says as she slams her tray down opposite mine.

"Huh?" I look up, startled. I had arrived slightly earlier for breakfast than usual so hadn't seen when Willow had come in.

"Cheetos or Doritos?" Markus asks, appearing beside Willow.

"Huh?" My confusion intensifies. Willow only rolls her eyes.

"Ignore him," she is quick to correct, "that's not why we need a mediator. I meant for them."

Willow jerks her head sideways, in the direction of our table neighbours on the far right. I don't need to follow her movement to know who she's talking about—I've been friends with Willow for long enough to know what the 'them'-sideways-jerk combo stood for.

Cass and Logan.

"With Val gone, there's no one to stop us from arguing all the time," she explains. "This afternoon is going to be chaos."

"Doesn't Valerie usually join in on the arguments?"

"Well, yes but—that's different. I know Cass. She and Valerie never really knew each other. She's not the type of person to be mean to someone without a reason. Cass didn't like her but she tolerated her enough to try to keep her out of our arguments."

I think that has to be the nicest thing I've ever heard Willow say about Cass. But that brought into question: what reason did Cass have to be mad at Willow?

"And so Kyle'd pick one with me instead, and the whole other argument would be forgotten," Markus finishes with an eye roll.

Willow frowns. "I wasn't exactly going to say it that way—"

"But you were thinking it," Markus interrupts. "Maybe not the most effective way, but hey, it works."

"Sometimes," I say, recalling several occasions where the argument simply just continued to escalate until someone finally gave in and walked off.

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