25 • the basics

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❝let your heart feel risk; keep it wild.❞
tess guinery


   WE`VE done something wrong. I know it. We must have.

It is the only logical explanation I can think of for why less than a week later, Morgana instructs us to stay back after a short assembly in the dining hall. We must have done something wrong again and Morgana and her sidekicks, Agent Redmond and the science interns, are here to tell us off. Again.

What I can't figure out, is what the four other students Morgana ordered to be here have to do with it.

Their faces are familiar, but I couldn't guarantee that the names I'd match to them would be their own. That is, with the exception of Cole, who looks just as confused to be here as the rest of us.

"Now, you must all be wondering why I've kept you back and rest assured, all will be explained in due time," is all Morgana says before calling one of the students to have a word with her.

Morgana deals with us systematically. After a brief discussion with the first student, she beckons another and with the aid of an assistant to prompt her, delivers information on whatever issue they were having. Then she sends them away and repeats the same process until there are only the six of us left: me, Cass, Willow, Logan, Markus and Cole.

It reminds me of our old team, except in place of Valerie, we have Cole.

Wait a minute—

It's a new month.

As Morgana turns towards our group over, it suddenly dawns on me why we're gathered here.

"Last month," she begins, "you may remember a ban on the usage of your abilities being placed. As agreed, this month I have decided to give you a chance to prove yourself and lift this ban. This Friday, you are permitted to return to the Dome for your usual Enrichment lessons, and you are also expected to resume your Personal Skills Development sessions as well."

Morgana's gaze sweeps over us as she speaks. I had forgotten how suffocating it could feel, being the subject of her scrutinising gaze. It made your pulse quicken, your breathing erratic, you instantly felt guilty—even if you hadn't done anything wrong.

"I am glad to notice that you all seem to have finally resolved your differences," she continues, her voice rising by an octave, " and so I trust there will not be a repeat of last time, unless the repercussions... will be very much graver."

We all nod vigorously, eagerly replying promises and vows of good behaviour. Not that Morgana cared anymore, attention had shifted to the final student she had yet to address: Cole.

For a second, she eyes him quizzically, as if unsure herself to why he was there. Then, turning to her assistants, she arches a questioning eyebrow until one replies:

"You wanted to discuss Enrichment teams."

Morgana responds with an understanding nod. Slowly, she turns back to face Cole. "Right. Of course. Perhaps it would have been better to have all the teams gathered here instead," she muses.

Immediately, an idea comes to me. Taking a cautious step forward, I raise my hand timidly and say, "Ah, um, may I make a suggestion?"

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