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but anyone can begin. it was the part with all the promise, the potential, the things I loved. more and more, though, I was finding myself wanting to find out what happened in the end
sarah dessen

 more and more, though, I was finding myself wanting to find out what happened in the end ❞sarah dessen

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HE receives the message an hour before midnight. Short, cryptic and painfully ambiguous.

EMMA: where would you go if you ran away? 

Panic and relief surge through him. It had been an hour since anyone last saw Emma. The text, at least, proved she was fine. But still, what did it mean? She wouldn't, would she—?

Promptly, he texts back.

COLE: where are you?

COLE: where are you?

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I've thought of countless ways to start this letter, but sitting here, with you ten feet away, my heart breaks at the thought of this being our final goodbyes.

By the time you receive this letter, your mother and I will be dead. It's something I still have difficulty accepting. Yet, the fact you're able to read this oddly comforts me. It means wherever and whenever you are, you are safe; and hopefully, whoever has been taking care of you over these weeks, months, years... has provided you with some of the love your mother and I have for you. It means our sacrifice tonight was not in vain, and the risk we took to save you was one worth taking.

By now, you may be wondering how you survived. You were young, so I'm sure the details are hazy for you now, even if the consequences are not. As I write this, Arlie and I are waiting to see if you are compatible with the KIRON formula. The temporary effect of injecting you with this serum is invulnerability to high temperatures, but by the time you're reading this you may have started to experience other side effects. The formula your mother and I designed differs from others at the time in that it is the only successful version to permanently alter the DNA of living beings and intentionally induce non-human abilities. A copy of this, you may have realised, is placed in your mother's necklace which you should have also received.

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