Chapter 25

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Lucy's POV

"Everyone is inside. I know we're having dinner and it's still early but we haven't seen you for what feels like ages and we miss you." Maggie says once she parks the car in the driveway a few minutes after picking us up at the airport.

"That's great!" I reply, smiling, "I can't wait to see everyone."

"Oh just to make sure because I don't want to spoil anything, they don't know about anything, right?"

"Yes. We're going to wait until after dinner to tell them about the baby but they'll find out about the engagement as soon as they see the ring."

"Ok. Got it." She replies, "Mom and dad are going to be thrilled." She smiles.

"I can't wait to tell them everything."

Just as I'm about to knock on the door, my mom opens it and wraps her arms around me. "I missed you so much." She says.

"I missed you too, mom." I reply and hug my dad as soon as she lets go of me to greet Ian. "I missed you." I tell him.

"I missed you too."

"I'm so sorry we didn't visit earlier but we were so busy with work and then a few things came up and we had to stay there." I say once we let go of each other and my dad shakes Ian's hand.

"But you're here now and that's what matters." My mom replies, smiling, "How have you been?" she asks.

"Couldn't be better." I smile, looking at Ian.

"Come in." she says and, after leaving the suitcases in the entrance hall, we follow her to the living room – where everyone else is waiting for us- and say hello to the rest of the family before sitting down on the couch.

"How have things been around here?" I ask.

"Great, we've- Is that an engagement ring on your finger? What took you so long, Ian?" she asks with a huge smile on her face and in a matter of seconds, her arms are, once again, tightly wrapped around me, "Congratulations! I'm so so happy for you." She says, her voice cracking a little at the end.

"Mom, don't cry. If you do I'll start crying too and it'll be a mess." I tell her as tears fill my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it. My little girl is getting married." She replies, and soon we're crying in each other's arms. "I'm so happy for you, Lucy." She says before letting go of me and hugging Ian.

"Congratulations. I'm really happy for both of you." My dad says and wipes away my tears before hugging me.

A few minutes (and tears) later, everyone's hugged and congratulated us on the engagement. They ask us about the wedding but we can't answer them because we don't either. With everything that's been going on lately we have barely talked about it so we can't tell them much.

Soon it's time to have dinner and we talk about what's been happening with here, what thy have been doing, about the projects Ian and I worked on during the last months and about Lula and G. It's amazing how much they've grown since the last time I saw them. It feels like it was yesterday that I was holding them in my arms for the first time and now they're so grown up and I'm a few months away from having my baby in my arms and starting this amazing new journey.

"Why are you so smiley?" My mom asks, bringing me back to reality.

"Nothing special. I was just thinking." I reply, smiling.

After dinner and once we help mom cleaning everything, we decide to go to the backyard so the girls can play around and we can talk a bit more. While I'd usually play with them, I'm tired and there's an announcement to make so I decide to sit down with Ian. "I'm going upstairs to get the envelopes." I whisper a few minutes later.

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