Chapter 14

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Ian's POV

I've been waiting for Lucy for what feels like hours. I've already given my statement and I'm currently waiting in a private room. I wanna make sure she's fine but they won't let me see her, saying she has to do this alone and assuring me she's fine. Although it should, that doesn't make me feel any better. Knowing that she's there alone with some random stranger who doesn't know her at all, talking about what I'm sure were the worst days of her life breaks my heart. I just want to be there for her... to hold her, comfort her, tell her everything will be alright and that she's strong and will get over this. Instead, I'm here, looking at the walls, pacing around, every second passing slower than the previous one.

"Luc-" I start as I turn around when the door opens but stop when I see Janelle walking in. "Janelle, Hi."

"Hi. Where is she?" Janelle asks while she greets me with a hug.

"She's been with the police for a while..."

"What happened?"

"To be honest I'm not even sure. As I was leaving the airport she called me saying she was sorry and begging me to forgive her and even though I had no idea what she was talking about I told that I forgave her. Then someone started yelling at her, telling her to get out of the car and I just knew something was wrong so I got in the car and sped to her house. Long story short, when I arrive I found Anthony with his hands around her neck, trying to choke her so I knocked him out and called the police."

"Is she ok?"

"I guess she's as fine as she can be, under the circumstances. We talked about a few things and it will take a while but I think she'll be ok. A lot happened in the last months and she has to find a way to accept what happened. Only then will she be able to move on and be happy again."

"I wanna kill that bastard." She whispers to herself.

"Believe me you're not the only one." I reply.

"We were so close. The police already had enough evidence against him but had to wait for the arrest warrant. A few more hours and none of this would have happened."

"When did this start?"

"A week after you left, I think."

"This had been going on for a month? Why didn't she call me?" I ask but before she can answer the door opens and Lucy walks in. Janelle immediately rushes to her side and hugs her.

"How are you? Are you ok! I was so worried when they called me yesterday. What did the police say?" Janelle asks once she lets go of Lucy.

"I've been better... but I'll be fine." She says, slightly smiling at me, "They said he would be in jail for a few years at least. They also said that once they searched his house they found more videos of other women..." she says, clearly uncomfortable, so I approach her and wrap an arm around her, "Turns out this was not the first time he did this. They think he kept the videos to use them against those women whenever he wanted."

Hearing the sadness in her voice breaks my heart. I just want to take all the pain away, make her forget about this, make her happy. After this morning I know it will take longer than I'd thought but as long as she wants I'll always be there for her.

"That's good, I guess. Him staying in jail for a few years, I mean. I will talk with the attorneys to make sure they make him stay in jail for as long as possible. I won't let him get away with this."

"Thank you. For everything." Lucy says, leaving my side to hug Janelle, "If it weren't for you this could have been way worse. You're amazing."

"No, you're amazing." Janelle says, looking at her friend. "You're the strongest person I know. You're going to get your life back and be happy. Don't forget that." She adds, wiping away the few tears that managed to escape from Lucy's eyes, "It might take a while but you will, ok?" she asks. Lucy nods but I'm not sure she believes in what she's saying. "I see you're in good hands so I'll get going. I need to give my statement and talk with the attorneys. Oh, and do you want me to go to your house with the officers so they can remove all the recording devices?"

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