Chapter 10

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I posted an extra chapter on Thursday so if you didn't read it don't miss it. I revealed who the mystery man is and it's an important chapter.

Lucy's POV

"Thank you so much for everything." I tell Janelle as I hug her, "If it weren't for you I'd probably have been too scared to do anything about this."

"I'm happy I can help." She replies, " Seeing you like this kills me. You're not the same person you were a few months ago. You're amazing and you don't deserve any of this." She adds, "There's something I want to ask you. You don't have to reply if you don't want to but... does Anthony have anything to do with what happened a few months ago?" she asks and I nod, after a while, "It's going to be ok, Luce. Our plan is going to work and soon he won't be bothering you anymore."

I want to believe it is going to work. I need to believe it is going to work, more than anything, but I'm scared. I know the plan isn't perfect and even though I've been assured that it's our best option right now and that the chances of it failing are slim I can't help but worry about it.

Janelle barely left my side since she found out about Anthony and for that I'll never be able to thank her enough. Surprisingly, I have barely heard from him since I texted him after watching the video. After telling me I was what he wanted, he told me to wait for his next text and that's what I've been doing.

We've spent the last few days meeting with my attorneys and a few police officers. If at first, the police didn't pay much attention to my situation, their attitude changed drastically once they realized who I am. It took us a while, but 2 days ago we finally came up with a good plan.

Everything is ready, now the only thing missing is Anthony. The police are monitoring our phones and installed a few recorders all over the house hoping to get enough evidence with that. They told me that I'd most likely have to do some of the things Anthony told me to and also that it would be easier to get the evidence they needed if I spent more time with him. They also told me that once they had what they needed they'd arrest him and get his stuff and then they'd delete the all the videos he had.

There was something missing in their plan though. What if he had copies hidden outside his house? What if he gave some to his friends and would get them later on and blackmail me again? They said they'd ask him that, once he was in custody, but why would he tell the truth? It would be really easy for him to lie and get the video back later on and blackmail me again or, worse than that, leak it immediately. They told me to trust them, and I'm trying to but I can't stop worrying about this.


A loud knock on the door wakes me up. I look at my phone and see that it's 8am. The nightmares last night barely let me sleep and I'm really tired so I decide to ignore it. I'm not expecting anyone and if it were something important they would have called. Just as I bury my head back in my pillow they knock again, this time harder and I eventually decide to get up when they don't stop. It's not like I'll be able to fall asleep again anyway.

Looking through the peephole I see the last person I want to see. Another loud knock makes me gasp and jump slightly. My heart is beating fast and I just want to run away and hide. But when I think about my family, my friends and Ian and I know I have to do this. I quickly text Janelle telling her not to come until I say so because Anthony is here and then open the door and stand there, face to face with the man that haunts my dreams.

"Finally!" he says, clearly not pleased, as he walks in, carrying a huge suitcase, "I've been waiting for 10 minutes." He adds and I have to bite my tongue and take a deep breath so I don't reply to him.

"Are you going somewhere?" I ask, pointing to the suitcase by his side.

"I'm moving in." he replies nonchalantly.

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