An old friend

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I slowly turn around just hoping it ain't Ennard. I am not having this talk right now with him, I don't even know what I wanna say to him. It's gonna be so fucking awkward...

"Baby can you turn around any slower" says that voice

I turn around and see an unexpected face... It's lolbit... Oh no not him...

"What up baby" he says "you look like you've seen a ghost"

Shit... What am I supposed to say to him...

I bet your wondering why I'm not really happy to see him well I kinda had a fling with him about 2 years ago... And lemme just say it didn't end well

"Sorry... I'm... just so happy to see... you again" I say while stuttering

"Where's Freddy?"

"Not here anymore"

"Wait why? What happened to him"

I can't tell him the truth it's embarrassing also I know how defensive he can be over me and he will stop at nothing to find him... And he will... kill him.

"Ya know... he was seducing all the girls here" I say

"That is unacceptable, what a pig" he says in disappointment

I guess I wasn't really lying to be honest he was always trying to seduce me I just haven't really notice until what happened the other day... God I don't want to keep thinking about that is it horrible.

"So have you taken his place now baby" he says while looking around the office

I suddenly spot a picture of Freddy that someone must of put in for some kind of sick joke put I wasn't focus on that, all the memories started to come back to me after I was trying to forget about it

"Are you ok baby"

Lolbit looks at the picture of Freddy too and then looks at me with a really concerning look in his face.


Shit... He noticed me looking at it, I look at him and give him the biggest smile to show that I am okay

"Yeah?" I say still smiling

"Did Freddy hurt you?"

Shit, shit, shit... Okay Baby calm down and tell him just a simple no, he will believe you don't worry.

"No way..." I say while trying me hardest to hold back the tears " wh... why would you think that"

He looks at he with anger in his face... I think he knows I'm lying.

"I have to leave, I'll talk to you later" he says with no emotion on his face.

"Umm.. okay" I say concerned

He left without saying no more. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid, I'm talking about Lolbit here... He doesn't do anything dumb... Right?! God I hope so

I begin to walk to my room then I see Chica smiling at me while I walk past her.

"Did you enjoy my present Baby" She says while grinning

"... Did you invite Lolbit" I say

"Haha no, the picture was my present silly"

What a fucking bitch, I can't believe she would fucking do that, that's so fucked up. My blood was boiling but also I just wanted to run off crying to my room.

"You think you can get away with taking my man" she says with no remorse "haha no way bitch"

I can't stay here... I'm gonna end up swinging for this dumb hoe

"Also when I saw Lolbit walk in I thought 'wow it must be my lucky day'"

I walk away without saying anything because I can't let the bitch get to me like this, my job will be on the line if I do anything. Before I enter my room I turn around to Chica

"I want the picture gone by morning or all have to tell Scott won't I" I say smiling

"I'll just tell him I didn't do anything" she says with no worries "simple!"

"Well you could do that but just remember there are security cameras in there" I say "It's not that simple sweetie"

She storms off back to her room and I just laugh and start to feel some kind of power, wow I'm proud of myself for that. I close my door with a big smile on my smile thinking maybe she would leave me alone and I could live in peace... Haha I wish, my life was about to get a lot worse lemme just tell you that...

End of Part 8

Sorry this episode was so short I haven't really posted in a year so here's the cringey piece of shit because y'all wanted it lmao
I'll try make them longer because I guess I do have more ideas for this story so look forward to that shit cya soon

Published: 16th September 2018

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2018 ⏰

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