GoodBye Freddy

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Baby sat on the toilet floor, crying. She wanted to leave this place, she was scared of Freddy, scared he would hurt her or even worse things. Suddenly there was a knock, and a voice said

"Hello Baby are you there"

Baby says nothing and carries on crying, to scared to answer

"Baby I know what happened that night with Freddy"

Baby's stops crying and says

"How do you know"

"We was there Baby don't you remember me saving you"

Baby was so confused, they said we but she only heard one voice also she knew someone saved her but she didn't know who.


She opens the door to she who saved her... It was Ennard. She ran to him and hugged him as tied as her little arms could and said...

"Thank You"

She cried but not of sadness, happiness. She was lucky to have Ennard there to save her, she started to think what would of happenifd if he didn't show up. He hugged her back and said

"Don't just thank me also thank"


Says a voice. Baby quickly looks up to see Ballora, smiling.


Baby ran up to her and gave her a hug

"If Ballora didn't hear you scream, she wouldn't have got me and
anything could have happened to you" says Ennard

"Thanks guys but he's still here, I can't stay here with him"

"Don't worry Baby we told Scott and he's will be gone by tonight"

Baby was the happiest that she has ever been before. He was finally gone and not just that she would now take Freddy's place and be the boss of the pizzaria

"Baby... are you ok" says Ballora really concerned

"Oh yeah, sorry just daydreaming"

They leave the toilets. Baby was really confident now. Freddy looked at her with a happy face, Baby looked back and stuck her middle finger up and looked at him with a cheaky grin on her face. Freddy was really mad now. He stood up and started to walk up to Baby. Everyone in the room were so confused. Freddy's hand suddenly starts to rise up to Baby's face but Ennard stopped him before anything could happen. Freddy looks up at Ennard and gives him a death stare. Ennard stares back while shaking his head.

"You can't hit girls Freddy" says Ennard in a angry tone "but you can try hit me if it makes you better"

Everyone looks at Ennard in shock that he just said that.

"What do you mean by 'try hit me' I could hit down in one punch you pussy" says Freddie in confidence

Everyone starts to shout 'FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT' at them which made the situation a lot worse

"Let's see what you have" say Ennard with the biggest smile on his face.

Freddy takes the first punch but misses a mile off and everyone begins to laugh at him.

"I thought you could knock me out with one punch Freddy" Says Ennard laughing "it's not good if your missing my face"

Everyone laughs even more and starts to chant Ennard's name. Freddy kicks him in the legs and he falls over but not for long he got up straight away without looking hurt

"Is that all you have Freddy" he says

"It made you fall didn't it" Freddy laughs "why don't you try and punch I don't wanna do all of the work here"

"I don't wanna hurt you Freddy" says Ennard laughing

"You already have done when you found out I had sex with baby" he says with the biggest smile ever

Ennard is mad now and starts to punch the shit out of him. I have never seen Ennard like this before and it was kind of hot.

Freddy looked so helpless and he didn't even try and punch Ennard back because he didn't have a chance to and I loved every second of it for some reason.

Suddenly Scott walks in, really mad


Everyone one shuts up and turns to him, Ennard stops punching Freddy and we both turn around and look at him. Freddy was still conscious so I turn round and punch him right across the face.

I turned around to see Scott trying not to laugh and I suddenly just smile because he doesn't usually laugh at these kid of things.

We walk to his office and sit down on the chairs. Scott looks at us all with anger while passing Freddy a ice pack.

"What were you two thinking!!!" Scott Shouts

Ennard and Freddy didn't know what to say so I stepped in.

"Ennard was try to help me sir"

Scott looked at Baby

"And why did he need to help you Miss Baby"

Baby had no clue on what to say, she was scared he say something wrong that might them her and Ennard kicked out.


"Freddy nearly hit me and he stop that"

Scott looked at Ennard, she was scared she said something wrong. She didn't want him to get kicked out.

"Ok Baby, Can you and Ennard wait outside I'll call you in when I'm done with Freddy"

They get up and go to the door and wait outside. They begin to meet eyes with eachother. Baby wanted to kiss him, but she knew not to do it, she didn't want them kick out the gang. So they just stared. It wasn't every romantic at all cos you could just hear Scott yelling at Freddie. It started to get awkward so Ennard decided to break the silence.

"Hey Baby, thanks for helping me back there"

Baby began to blush, the sound of Ennard's voice made her nervous. It was so deep and sexy.

"Baby you still there"

"Oh yeah sorry, mmmm.. its ok I'll do anything for an amazing friend who's willing to help me"

Baby wish she didn't say that because she felt a bit feelings for him

"Oh yeah a friend" Ennard says sadly

The door opens and Freddy storms out of the office with boxes, he was real mad now, which made me laugh.

"Ennard, Baby please come in..."

End of Part 3

Published: 16th April 2017
Edited: 22nd July 2018

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