My Hero

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Freddy was laying on his office desk, naked with roses all round him. He winked at Baby as she was staring at his naked body. She wasn't turned on at all, she was horrified.

"Hey Baby" Freddy says then while licking his lips

Baby was so scared, she wanted to run but she knew she couldn't so she just stood there not moving at all. Freddy gets up and runs his finger on his desk while walking towards her. Baby starts to shiver and become more frightened than she already was.

"What's the matter Baby"


Freddy goes right up to Baby's face and starts to rub her cheek and slowly starts to kiss her neck. Tears fall slowly down Baby's face. Freddy didn't give a fuck and carried on he started to undress her but then Baby shouted...


Freddy put his hand over her mouth.

"Shut the fuck up Baby"

Freddy was about the smack Baby but someone comes though the door Baby couldn't tell who it was because her eyes were blurred up from all the crying.

"Leave Baby alone Freddy" says the unknown voice

"No she's mine and she's not leaving till we have had sex"

The unknown voice hits Freddy then they start to fight, Baby wanted to get out of there but she couldn't​, her legs hurt and she was scared to look up. Suddenly there was a big bang, Baby was still scared to look up so she tried her hardest not to but in the process she fell asleep.

The next day Baby wakes up. she wasn't on the floor anymore, she wasn't even in her own bed. she got up and looked around, She was in someone elses bedroom. It looked so familiar but she wasn't worried about that she was worried about what happen last night. She was still scared but glad she was out there. There was a knock at the door. She was scared to answer but she knew that she needed to be strong.

"Hello Baby are you awake" says a voice

"Ye...Yea...Yeah... I am... Just need to get ready"

"Ok when your ready meet us in the hall"

"O... Ok"

Baby starts to get dressed, tears still fall down her cheaks but she wiped them off and tried her best to be strong. She went down to the hall looking behind her every couple of seconds to make sure Freddy wasn't behind her to come and hurt her again. She finally reached the hall, her heart started to beat really fast, Freddy was just standing over the other side of the hall just looking at her, well actually everyone was looking at her, she couldn't do it any longer so she ran to the bathroom. Ennard ran after her and everyone started to wonder what happen and if she was okay. No one knew what happened but baby thought they did only three of them actually knew counting Freddy...

End of Part 2

Published: 16th April 2017
Edited: 22nd July 2018

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