Does Baby like Ennard?

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The voice sounded so familiar but I didn't know who it was, I expected it to be Ennard but as I open the toilet door I see Bon Bon. I open the door  and Bon Bon rush's to hug me.

"Baby are you ok" Says Bon Bon in a sweet voice

I look at Bon Bon

"Yeah, I guess" I say in a sad tone "Just a bit embarrassed that's all"

Bon Bon looks at me with a angry look

"I will find out who did this to you and kill them"

I let out a slight chuckle

"That's the smile I want to see" says Bon Bon while smiling back

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door

"Hello Baby, are you ok?"

Bon Bon gets up and opens the door to reveal Ennard, I start to feel really awkward and I couldn't speak.

"I'll let you to talk I'm gonna find the person who did this and kill them" says Bon Bon in a angry tone

As Bon Bon leaves, Ennard sits by me. He starts to come closer. I start to feel nervous.

"Hey Baby, are you ok"

I start to feel mad because he has been ignoring me for chica for 2 days now. I know I have no right to be mad because as I said we don't date so he can date who he likes.

"Mmm... Ye...yea..yeah" I trembled

Ennard looks at me with a cheeky grin. I start to feel really nervous agin. We started to stair into eachothers eyes, I started lost, his eyes were so beautiful.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you Baby" he says "Is there anyway I could make it up to you"

I start to feel so many emotions

"Well I have something in mind" I say in a sexy voice

I start to regret saying that, what if he thinks I'm a werido.

"And what would that be Baby" he says in his manly voice

I start to sweet. His voice was so soft and sexy.

"Meet me in my office at 8:00pm and you will find out" I say

I wink at Ennard and leave the bathroom.

"What the fuck have I done" I think to myself

I run to my room

"Ok it's only 6 I have two hours to freak out" I say to myself

I think about what I could do but I dunno if I should it's so risky, someone could walk in or Ennard might not wanna do it. I start to think of a new plan that Ennard will like and something that won't get me fried.

After 2 hours of thinking I had a plan it wasn't anything rude but I dunno for sure if it will not get me fried, I guess I will have to Yolo it. I walk to my office to see Chica standing outside of it.

"I'm surprised you are still showing your around here" says chica in a angry tone

"Why?" I say in confusion

"Well I throw a banana on the stage so you could fall over" she said with a cheeky smile

"Wait you did it why? I say "I never did anything to you"

*No you didn't Baby but Ennard would stop talking about you"

I start to go red. The thought of Ennard taking about me made me feel happy and it filled a big part of my heart.

"You better stay away from my Ennard, Baby" she says in anger.   "because if you don't..."

"What will you do Chica" says a familiar voice

I turn around to see an angry Ennard, I was is relieved to see him

"Heyy Babe!?" Trembled Chica

"Don't babe me can you leave Baby alone" he said in anger "and we're not even dating you bitch"

Chica storms off and starts to kick things. It was so funny it was hard to hold in so I laughed. Ennard started to laugh with, his laugh was is cute.

"Are you ok Baby" says Ennard in his dreamy voice

"Yeah thanks for helping me back there" I say

"Wanna go to my room and tell me what she said" He says

"Yeah... let's go" I say awkwardly

As we walk to his room I start to fell nervous, what if something happens or or... I need to chill everything with be fine, why have I been having so many mini nervous attacks today... If that's a thing.

"BABY, EARTH TO BABY!!!" Ennard shouts

He makes me jump and I forgot to stop walking, I dunno how you do that but I did, and I walk into the door, everything goes black...

End of part 6

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