Bennared is real ;)

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I wake up on someone elses bed I dunno who's but it was so comfortable I didn't want to move

"You're wake Baby" says a sexy voice "Are you ok?"

I sit up and look to the side of me to see Ennard smiling at me. Why did he have to be so damn cute.

"Yeah I'm fine my head hurts a bit" I say "what happened?"

Ennard sits next to me

"You walked into a door" He says laughing

I start to turn red, I was so embarrassed I can't believe I walked in a door I'm so retarded. Ennard starts to laugh really loudly and I give him a death stare. He suddenly stops laughing and just does a sexy smile

"Baby your really cute" He says

Now my face is bright red, I just can't help blushing. ENNARD JUST CALLED ME CUTE!?!?

"Baby, I'm sorry for not being there for you I..." He says sadly

"It's ok you can do what you like" I say

I really want him to kiss me so I grab his face and we began to kiss, I can't believe he kissed back. He starts to kiss my whole body and takes off my clothes. What the fuck am I doing I'm gonna be in so much trouble but I didn't care all I cared about was Ennard right now.

The next day

I wake up really early and turn to look at Ennard he was so cute when he was sleeping. I quickly got dressed and made my way to the office trying not to get caught but then I see Chica in the corner of my eye.

"Hey Baby" She shouts

I try to ignore her and walk away but she ran up to me and grabbed me by the arm.

"Why did you come out of Ennard's room" She says really angrily

Oh no I can't tell her we had sex she will tell Scott and I will lose my spot and get kicked out.

"I asked if he had a... pencil" I say

I was scared she didn't believe me I can't let her find out she will not only let Scott she will also tell the whole gang and they will be so disappointed with me.

"Really Baby" She says "A pencil"

I dunno what to do I start to worry and panic.

"Morning Baby, morning Chica" Funtime Foxy says

Me and Chica look at Funtime Foxy I wave and Chica says morning as she was looking at Foxy I quickly run to my office and close the door. I couldn't deal her this morning.

"Baby can I have a word" Says a voice

I start to shake what if it's Ennard....

End Of Part 7

Ok I'm just saying this now I cringed writing this I literally wanna die right now it was horrible 😦

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