13~Playground Insults

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Olivia's (p.o.v)

'Nice to meet you Millie, I'm Olivia and that's Brooklyn, my boyfriend.' I smiled. 'Hey' Brook waved from the seat beside me. Both Brook and I were both turned around facing Andy and Millie. 

There was now silence for a couple of minutes when Andy spoke. 'Boys' Andy called and everyone came to where Brook and I were. 'So today we're going to film the youtube video I talked about yesterday. The 'Playground insults' I believe I called it, so Brook you go and get yourself...dressed and both the ladies can watch from the camera point of view with the other who won't be in the around when let's say me and Jack are, understood?' Everyone nodded and Brooklyn and I went to his room so he could change and I'd put on one of his hoodies. We have done that then Brooklyn went to the backdrop where Andy was sitting ready to do the Intro with Brooklyn.

'Hello,' Andy said whilst waving his arm to the side hitting Brooks head and not caring. Brooklyn looked down and put his hand to his head for a couple of seconds then looked back up. 'We're Roadtrip and we're playing Playground Insults' Andy said. 'The rules are anything goes as long as it is acceptable on the playground' Brook said then made a cute face, well I found it cute everyone else probably thought he was making a funny face. It was cute though.

'And you can't laugh' Andy pointed at the camera with his finger whilst Brook was still staring at the camera with that face. I chuckled quietly to myself so no one heard and continued to watch them. 'Brook to serve' Then Brooklyn demonstrated a laugh staring dead eye at the camera. Then Andy made a clicking noise in his mouth (Ya'know what I mean right?)

Then Brooklyn turned to look at andy and started to laugh. Andy smiled also trying not to laugh, looked away for a second then looked back at Brook. 'Is he out?' Rye asked. Everyone started laughing. 'Is he out?' Rye asked again. 'I'm out' Brook laughed.

Mikey and Rye went up to sit on both chair and Rye started talking first. 'How was em, your night yesterday?' Rye asked shuffling around. 'When England lost, di'you cry? Did you cry a lot?' He asked. 'Emm' Mikey said. 'Do you cry a lot as a person or are you just naturally weak or do'you just cry?' Rye was by now in one position staring Mikey in the eyes and Mikey was staring him in the eyes. There was quiet for a couple of seconds then Mikey said 'I...am...' Then Rye came in 'Weak'

Next up were Brooklyn and Jack. Oh this is going to be interesting when brook wants to insult someone, he can and it's just hilarious sometimes. 

'Your legs, look like the goats from Narnia' Brook said looking at Jacks feet at the beginning of his sentence then look up at Jack towards the end. 'You just stink' Brook looked at me then at the camera and I just smiled. 'Like all the time' At this point, Rye was laughing so much. 'I remember...' Brook began looking up at the ceiling like it was the most amazing thing ever. 'Like i've never met anybody who smells consistently like cheese and onion crisps as much as you do' Jack said looking at Brooklyn spinning his chair slightly to the left and to the right. 'I remember there was a time in the band where everyone called you burgerpits' Brooklyn said looking at Jack.

I also at this point was laughing so much. 

'Do you wash your hair?' Jack asked. Then Andy started laughing soooo much, I looked over at him and he was on the ground laughing. Brook just looked at the camera and said nothing. Then...

Rye and Andy had a go....

Jack and Rye...

Then Brooklyn went on with Mikey.

'You look like noddie at once he had a breakdown' Mikey said 'ahh hahaha, sorry did you start?' They both stare into each other's eyes seriously. And once again Andy was dying with fits of laughter. 'Are you looking at my hair, ah I know ye are' Brooklyn lifted his arms up as in like a shrug but with his arms if that makes sense then looked at the camera and back at Mikey. 'Ahh no, I see you you're tryna find somethin' Brooklyn said pretending to look for something on Mikey. 'You remind me of Pat Butcher' Mikey said to Brook and everyone laughed. And Rye made the funniest laugh ever which but both Millie and I into laughter.

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