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Olivias (p.o.v)

It's been 5 days since Brooks asked me if I liked him, I haven't seen him ever since. Anxiety has hit me. I haven't left my house. I have barely ate. If I did eat I ate the smallest thing during the whole day.
I lost weight, I've grown weaker, bags under my eyes, I look depressed. I look....I look dead inside.....because I am.
I don't even know if I'm going to be facing brook anytime soon. I'm scared. I just don't know what came into me that day, I just, I do like Brooklyn, that's why I reacted that way. I regret it honestly.
I slowly pull myself out of bed and then stand up on my 2 feet then face the mirror in my bedroom leaning on the wall. I face it and look at my body up and down. I was currently wearing a pair of lose shorts and a lose crop top, I look at myself once again. I for sure lost weight... I look.....horribly skinny... I hate this.
But everything I try to eat I just can't, if I try eat, I'll get sick. I just, my life's fucked.

 I just, my life's fucked

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Brooklyns (p.o.v)

It's been 5 days, and I haven't seen Olivia ONCE out of her house, I haven't even seen her. I didn't want to leave the house, but I was forced to to film covers and put a fake smile on, I really didn't want to fake my feelings and show everyone,'Oh yea I'm all happy life is lovely' but I knew i couldn't do that. I really do just want to go over to Olivia's flat and just, apologise for...... for everything..
I get out of bed and go to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror, I look....depressed. like really depressed. My eyes are all bloodshot, my hairs horribly messy. Why did I ask her that, if I hadn't asked her anything everything would've been alright. I leave the bathroom and enter the kitchen to see rye standing at the counter making everyone a cup of tea and scrambled eggs.
I give him a slight smile whilst I walk by him to get a cup of water for myself.
Rye opens his mouth to say something and turns to me then closes his mouth and looks back down at his phone in his hand.
I honestly don't even care at this point. I shrug it off and take my water and leave for the bedroom where Andy and jack were.
I walk in and look at them both and they look at me. I sit down on my bed and sip on my water.
'So uh, Brook?,' Andy spoke. I look at him.
'Uh, mind telling us what happened between yourself and Olivia, because we're all still wondering,' he asked looking deep into my eyes. Jack looks at Andy then back at me.
I sigh,'so basically I asked her if she said the truth that she doesn't like anyone in the room and she was like, oblivious of her answer, she didn't know what to say so she started crying and left,' I pause looking down at the carpet in the room. 'All happy now??' I ask my head in my hands.

Ryes (p.o.v)

Brook doesn't look good. He looks dead inside. He really does like Olivia. I thunk I might go over to her apartment in a few minutes to see how she's doing after whatever has happened. Actually, before I go, I'll try find out what has happened. I slowly walk to our bedroom and see brook just finishing off telling any what has happened 5 days ago. I looks from brook to Andy then back to brook and see that brook was setting himself to lay down on his bed. I sit over beside Andy and Andy tells me everything that Brooklyn told him. It wasn't that big of a deal but for 2 very sensitive people, it's a very bit deal.
I stand up to leave the flat and go to knock at Olivia's door. I knock twice, no answer. I knock two more times. I then head walking coming towards the door. The door opens and Olivia is stood in front of me, she looks terrible. Absolutely horrible.
She peeps her head out the door and looks to my left and right seeing if anyone is with me then pulls me inside and looks the door.
She doesn't say anything but walks towards the lounge and collapses on the sofa face first and let's out quiet sobs. I look at her then sit beside her on the sofa rubbing her back gently.
We stay like this for about 20 minutes then I decide to speak.
"Do you like Brooklyn?" I ask. She looks up from the lounge her cheeks stained with tried tears.
She nervously nods as if his was a life or death situation. For her it probably was. I open my arms for Olivia. She instantly wraps her arms around my neck. 'Do you want to make it easier on yourself and I'll tell brook that you like him?" I ask. She looks up and nods. Now i need to tell Brooklyn..

I haven't uploaded in absolute agesss, I don't know if I've gotten worse at writing or better, I really don't know anymore 😂


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