(7)Written with Blood and Ink

Start from the beginning

Thanatos' eyes widened slightly and his forehead creased down with a frown and a heavy set of confusion; "Why would she?"

It's like they were having their own little conversation in the midst of a group discussion. "She's not who I pictured you to marry. That's all." And with that odd airy tone, she turned on her heel and walked off, grabbing Dolos' knife from the table and tucking it her belt. I watched her disappear into the shadows and frankly, I had no idea which one I was more confused by; Dolos or Apate.

Hypnos was the first to break the awkward silence. "I apolo-"

"Stop. Just stop." Trita said with a sigh and smiled at the ground. A laugh escaped her mouth and she looked up at me to see if I found this amusing too. I did, actually. "We're fine. It's all fine."

"Family isn't easy." I chuckled and shot Thanatos a pointed look to ease his anger. He was working himself up over something that wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. "We all know that..."

"Without a doubt." Momus chuckled along with us, but Hemera, Thanatos and Hypnos weren't into the joke. Nemesis shrugged and calmly said; "Give them some time. They just returned from a long hunt and it's freezing outside. It doesn't look like they caught anything and that's enough reason to be irate."

"No, it isn't." Thanatos snarled and Nemesis backed up a bit. She grunted in exasperation and shook her head. "I'm heading out back to train. Does anyone want to spar?"

"I thought you said it was freezing outside?" Momus asked with a raised eyebrow.

"And?" Nemesis asked, blatantly sneering at her younger brother. He only looked more amused by her short temper than scared.

Thanatos' hands curled into fists and he dryly said; "Sure. Why not."

Nemesis hadn't expected her big brother to volunteer. She nodded slowly and turned to leave for the armoury to gather her things, her eyes lined with new concern. When's the last time Nemesis had to go up against Thanatos?

"Right." Hemera said with a forced smile and gestured to the stairs; "Shall we go upstairs and view the ballroom? I think you'll simply love the marble statues father erected."

"Sounds lovely." I nodded my head, knowing she needed something to fill her muddled mind. I couldn't really care less about what Erebus thought he contributed to this family- it certainly wasn't statues that he should be focusing on while visiting here. But I agreed anyway, because Hemera needed the distraction more than us and I truly loved Hemera. She was the type of sister-in-law I always wished I'd have.

Trita quickly agreed and we greeted the men and Nemesis as we ascended the stairs up to the second floor. I watched as Hypnos and Momus followed slowly behind, leaving for the study once more to discuss Moros' dealings.

Thanatos shot me a look of worry, but I smiled down at him from the top of the stairs before we rounded the corner and he nodded, knowing there wasn't anything either of us could do at the moment. This was a tedious waiting game and Nyx was no doubt having an enjoyable time watching us.

Watching us, examining us and waiting.

For what?

Well, I didn't quite know...

Well, I didn't quite know

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