"Yeah! With my money! Auntie I swear to god I'm about to contact those people and tell them all about you. Stop acting stupid!" Zaidee's voice raised.

Jenna gasped. How dare she call her stupid? "No!" She refused.

Is this bitch retarded??? Zaidee asked herself.

"Aunt Jenna. Stop acting trifling." Zaidee said lowly.

Out of no where, Jenna's hand went across Zaidee's face and Zaidee grabbed her face, feeling an awful sting.

She gasped as tears rose to the brim of her eyes and slowly spilled out.

Jenna frustratingly went over to her purse and pulled out the envelope that held Zaidee's check and threw it at her.

"There! Have it! Have it you little spoiled brat! Get the fuck out of my room!" Jenna went off and Zaidee just picked up the envelope and quickly went to her room, locking her door.

Looking in her mirror she could see a bruise starting to form on her face. It wasn't really noticeable, but if you were close to her you could see it.

Zaidee was shooketh. She couldn't believe her aunt had put her hands on her because she didn't want to give Zaidee what was rightfully hers.

Hearing her phone ringing she wiped her eyes and quickly answered it.

"Hello?" She spoke and went back to examining her fresh bruise.

"Yo', What you doin' right now?" She heard Kofi's deep voice on the other end.

They had been talking for a little over a week now. Zaidee wasn't going to take it to the next level because she was still afraid of him and she didn't want any of the problems that he came with.

"I-I'm at home." She stuttered a little bit after touching her cheek, realizing it was sore.

Kofi was leaving from his cousin's place and he was a tad bit high, but not really.

"Coo'. Imma' come scoop you. You got some on?" He asked her.

Zaidee sighed. She didn't really wanna go anywhere other than her room because her cheek was bruised and she didn't wear makeup, so she couldn't cover it up.

"No, I don't have anything on." She said, looking at the pajama pants she had on.

"Put some on then. I'm on my way." He said before hanging up.

Zaidee sighed before grabbing some shorts and a t shirt.

She took a quick shower and quickly got dressed in some blue jean shorts, a black t shirt, and some brown sandals.

She left her hair down in hopes that it would cover up her bruise. So far it was doing the job.

About ten minutes later she was leaving out of her room since Kofi had told her he was outside.

"Little girl where are you going?" Her aunt's voice filled her ears.

"I'm going out with a friend." She said lowly.

"Mhm. Don't be home late." Her aunt said.

Zaidee nodded her head and left out. Approaching Kofi's truck she could feel the vibration from the bass of whatever song was playing.

Kofi cut his radio down as he watched her get in. He licked his lips while taking in her appearance. He looked at her facial expression and she looked like she had a slight attitude.

"Wassup?" He spoke.

Zaidee shrugged. She wasn't really in the talking mood.

Kofi noticed her off behavior and stared at her face. Her eyes were glued to the dashboard.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed the light bruise on her left cheek.

"The fuck happen to yo' face?" He asked loudly.

Zaidee's eyebrows raised a little, she thought she had covered it up but she obviously hadn't.

"It's nothing. I just burned myself with my straighteners." She lied with a shrug.

Kofi shook his head. "You lying. What the fuck happened?" He grabbed her chin and examined her cheek. He could tell that wasn't from a burn. The shit might've burned when she received the hit, but it wasn't from no straighteners. He wasn't stupid.

Zaidee was quiet for a minute. She didn't wanna just tell him her business because she didn't know how he would react.

"That's what happened." She said lowly.

He touched her cheek and she flinched since it was still sore.

"You really gon' sit right here and lie to me?" He looked in her eyes.

She bit down on her bottom lip and shook her head as he released her chin. "No... I just don't wanna talk about it."

Kofi nodded. "That's all you had to say. Don't be lying and shit because that shit ain't cool."

Zaidee nodded.

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