8: craziness begin

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Kim P.O.V

What. The. Hell. Just. Happened. I and Kylian get into the jeep.

"What were you guys talking about just now? Why did she cried?" I question him, madly.

"You'll know about it, eventually" he says sarcastically. I'm not in the mood to talk to him, so I decide to silent. It takes 20 minutes to Starbucks so he start driving.

After few minutes he starts to talk "Are you mad at me? Please don't because I can't stand watching your cute face when you're mad"

"Of course, I am cute" I mumble under my breath.

"What did you say?" he's smirking right now

"I heard what are you saying just now, yes you're cute" I chuckle. I turn on the radio, and it's Party In U.S.A song.

"I jump in the cab here I am for the first time, look to my right and I see the Hollywood sign" I sing and pointing to my right. Kylian should've think that I'm crazy.

The chorus part and we're singing together "So I put my hands up, they're playing my song. The butterflies fly away.." we laugh.

We're here, in front of Starbucks.

"You okay?" Kylian asks.


"Let's go then" he grabs my hand and we walk into Starbucks.

As soon as we walk in, I see a bunch of boys with group of fangirls, they are taking selfies and others.

They see us holding hands each other, I pull my hand off from him. This is too embarassing.

"Guys meet her, Kim. Kim this is.." Kylian introduces me, I cut him off.

"I knew them all" all of the guys stand up and shake hands with me, they're laughing. Kylian's face heats.

"U-uh, I'm going to make an order, what do you want?" he asks. All of us sit down, I sit beside Pavard.


"And guys please don't asks or tell her anything stupid" he says.

They whisper to each other and staring at me curiously.

"Don't care about them, they're crazy" Pavard jokes.

They start to make jokes and we all laugh loudly, Kylian walks to us with two coffee in his hands. He makes a face like what the hell.

"Kylian! Have a seat, here beside me" I say.

"What do they told you?" he whispers to me.

"Nothing" I reply.

"Let's do something, this is bored" I shout, I started to get used to them.

"Kim, you're the loudest girl I've ever met" One of them reply and laugh, they all start staring at Kylian.

"What?! I've told ya this girl is crazy" he says while picking my nose.

"Let's go watch movies at our hotel?" Kylian says.

"Great idea!" I respond.

"Of course" Kylian rolls his eyes. "When did I ever had a bad idea?"

After he answers, everyone start to shout out all of his bad ideas he's had in the past. That's hilarious.

"Okay, maybe I had a few bad ideas in the past, let's go then" he admits.


A/N: It's has been three days since the last update, I'm a busy student and school is tiring. I'll update later on weekend. Votes needed, thank you! Have a great day, x.


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