1: best day ever!

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Kim P.O.V

It's the second day since I moved in to New York, my mother have to transfer here. I'm still unpackaging my stuff, putting up the posters of my idols as One Direction, Shawn Mendes and Kylian Mbappe, damn it's so tiring. I missed my old home, friends and school. All I need now is a quick nap.

"Kimberly!" My mom shouts. I don't answer, I'm so tired.

"KIMBERLY COOPER! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!" I wake up and go downstairs.

"Mom, what is it? I'm tired, I wanna rest." I say exhaustedly.

"You're such a lazy girl. Help me by go to Walmart and buy me stuffs, here's the money." She gives me the money.

I don't know this city, all I know is the way to go to Walmart.

I walk through some alleys and arrive. I grab the stuffs and searching for one more stuff.

Suddenly, I bump into a guy and my mom stuffs fall down. I quickly pick up the stuff and apologize.

"Oh, I'm so so so sorry, I don't see you there." He's doing the same thing too.

I raise my head to look at the guy and I know him. "Oh my g-gosh, y-you're The Mbappe?! I-I'm s-sorry, I-I'm a very bigfan of y-you." I start crying because I'm so happy plus nervous, he's too cute.

"H-hey, don't cry. I'm very sorry, just stop crying please?" He's cute when he's afraid, I stop crying.

"Why are you crying?"

"I cried because I feel guilty plus I'm a fan of yours. I'm sorry again, I got to go." this is too embarassed, I walk quickly.

I put my stuffs on the counter and the cashier is packing up the stuffs. "The total is 21.03$" the cashier says. Oh my gosh I just have twenty bucks, I'm very dead.

"Hey, I don't have enough money right now, can I go home and to grab some extra money?" I say

"No, you can't. What if you ran away?" the cashier says

"No, I won't, please?" I'm fucking begging right now.

"Um, hey, take this. I'm gonna pay for her." Mbappe says while he's stand besides me, he's tall and very cute.

"No, you don't have to" I say. "So, what are you gonna do? No, I pay for you because I want to apologize." He says while he's smiling, I just keep my mouth shut.

"Thank you very much" I says then I walk away from him.

"Hey, hey, don't go. I don't even know your name." He run and stop me, I don't know what to say.

"Okay, you may know my name but let's start anew, let's be friend. Hi, my name is Kylian Mbappe, I'm 19." He's smiling.

"H-hi, my name is Kimberly Cooper, I'm 18." He shakes my hand, I'm very shy infront of him. I couldn't be happier, this is the best day ever!

"Can I have your phone number, so that I can text you anytime, we're friends right now, aren't we?" He says shyly.

"Y-yeah, sure" I. Am. Very. Lucky. Person.


A/N: Hey! I'm back with my second handwritten. This story is about Kylian Mbappe since I've been quite a big fan of him. I really need your support by voting my stories. Thank you, x!


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