I Won't Be Long (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"One sec, I have to do something..."

Annabeth rolled her eyes as she walked in front of him. Turning around, she saw him typing on his phone. She fought off a smile; they were cute together. She could admit that.


Do your quest!

I have 5 mins to spare

Miss you

Miss you too


Haha. Very funny.

How's the quest going so far, babe?

No money, no car, gas station up ahead is our only hope.

I'm sorry, gtg. I love you babe!

Love you too, boo ;)

Screw you

Percy put down his phone, smiling to himself as he jogged to Annabeth. "About time." Annabeth commented, her smile betraying the harsh tone she used. Percy shrugged, "Sometimes you just have to text your boyfriend." Annabeth raised an eyebrow.

"For what? We haven't done much–" Percy interrupted her. "– Except fighting several Hellhounds all at once near that vet center." Annabeth gave out a short laugh. Her combat boots ruffling her jeans when they collected dirt from the path as the two walked.

"And a really annoying Hydra who decided to swallow our money." Annabeth chose to add, Percy snorting. "We have the worse luck ever." He commented, "You'd think the trouble would stop once you get together with Jason and I decided that I don't need a man." Annabeth jokingly said to her ex-boyfriend.

Percy shook his head at her. "Annabeth, you're like Reyna." Annabeth cocked an eyebrow, the two walking a little slower paced. "How so?" She challenged.

"You don't need no man. You two are queens."



Hey! Sorry I didn't respond... How've you been

I could be better :(

How so?

If you were here ;)


How's the quest going??

Still no sign of Kendra

Oh, that sucks

Big time. Well, I have to go. Bye!! xoxo


Percy put the phone down and shoved it in his pocket. Annabeth nudged his shoulder, "You ready?" She questioned as her dagger pointed to an old door. The wood at the hinges were broken, and it clung to the other side like it was glue. Charred bits were flaking off as the gentle breeze blew through the air. The breeze cooling Percy's matted down hair and giving him relief for a few seconds before the sun shone in again. Annabeth peered at some glass, the shards covered the floor to Percy's left. A particular large piece covered in, what seemed to be, the same liquid of her dagger.

"Someones been here." Annabeth said aloud as her hands carefully picked up the liquid covered shards. Placing them delicately in her palm Percy felt nervous. "Are we sure we want to put the mystery liquid covered glass on our hands where they could get access to open wounds?" He questioned hesitantly. Annabeth shrugged, "Too late now." She decided (Mood) as she put another glass piece in her palm.

Percy shook his head at his ex-girlfriend's actions. "What would Clovis say?" Annabeth snorted at Percy's attempt to guilt trip her. "He's be asleep in the glass, Seaweed Brain. Besides, we're just friends!" She exclaimed, a light blush tinging her cheeks pink. Percy chuckled and shrugged. "Hmm, are you sure? You guys were looking pretty cozy at the Bonfire Wednesday." He teased, quickly dodging the piece of glass somebody threw at him.

"Hey!" He shouted, his tone a little surprised. "I know, I know, I could have blinded you. Blah blah blah." A new voice said as a body appeared behind the door.

"Holy Hera!" The two demigods exclaimed as Kendra made herself known. "Hey Annabeth, hey Percy. Fancy seeing you here." Annabeth got up and dropped the glass to her feet. "You were suppose to meet us at the gas station! We thought you were killed, or worse--" Percy interrupted her, "Expelled!" Annabeth punched Percy in the shoulder, landing right on a fresh bruise. He winced, "Ow?"

Annabeth ignored him.

Kendra gave a small laugh as her bright Hazel eyes looked over the two.

"Come on guys. I found something really cool I think you guys should check out."


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