Chapter 2 "Present Day":

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(Time Skip: Four Years Later)
Clem's POV:
I was standing on a bridge with AJ while I was fishing and he was just kicking his feet over the edge. I tried to entertain him and myself by singing his favorite song growing up. "Row row row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream." I started singing as I noticed AJ wasn't getting into it. "Come on AJ." I told him as I continue to sing and he joined him too. "Row row row your boat gently down the stream. If you see a crocodile don't forget to scream." We both saying until I got to the part about the screaming and he then stuttered. Finally I got a fish on my spear as I then looked back at him. "Come on, you love this one." I told him as he mellowly continue to kick around his feet. "It's a bad song. You shouldn't scream ever. Screaming brings monsters." He said as I felt like he was growing up too fast which wouldn't be a problem in this world since it's good to grow up fast, but I guess is about how parents feel like when their kids get older and they're not into the same stuff they were when they were little.
"Yeah you're right kiddo. This song was written before kids had to worry about monsters." I said as I put down the fishing stick and sat next to him onto the bride. "I don't remember a time before they were monsters." He said as I begin to feel even more sorry for him. "I know." I then said looking at our dead Walker in the water. "What's the first rule?" I asked him. "Never go alone." He answered me. "Never go alone. Right. And what do we do when the monsters come?" I then asked him as he took out his revolver. "We shoot them in the head." He said. "And what else?" I continue to question him. "And always save the last bullet for yourself." He said it is then we had an awkward silence for a moment. But then I asked him, "Now what do you do if I get bit?" "I... I don't wanna think about that." He said I knew that asking him that made him uneasy. "I know goofball. But it something we have to consider. If something does happen to me I want to make sure you're safe and keep going. So I'll ask you again. What do you do if I get bit?" I repeated my question as he let out a huge sigh of grief and answered, "Stop you before you turn. And to... to find someone else." He said as he began to cry a little. Now I started to feel guilty for asking him that I just wanted to make sure he knew what to do. I've been wraps my arms around him and gave him a caring hug as he hugged back. "Don't cry AJ. I don't plan on that happening anytime soon. I'm going to make sure that we are always together. Through the best and worst of times." I told him as I was beginning to cry a little. "Please don't leave me Clem." I heard him mutter as I replied, "I never will. And that I can promise. Even if I do go, I will always be with you in your heart."
I then heard my fishing stick fall to the ground as the fish managed to escape the spear end. "No no no no no no no!" I yelled out as the fish begin flopping his way back to the water. I almost got to it it was too late as it does right back in. "Goddammit!!!" I yelled out. "Clem?" AJ asked me as I turned around to face him. "AJ what is it?! Don't you just see our food just escaped?!" I asked angrily as I then saw him pointing from behind me. I turned around to see a herd of walkers coming our way. "Oh shit we need to go." I told AJ as he stood up and we ran back towards our car. We got into it and begin to drove off as the engine was having a bit of trouble starting. "Come on! Come on come on come on!! Fucking start already!" I yelled out as I saw the walkers getting closer and closer. I've been here the engine start working as I sighed with relief and yell out, "Finally! Now let's get the fuck out of here!!" We then drove off in a hurry leaving the walkers behind. "Well that was a close one." AJ said from the backseat. "Yes it is AJ. Yes it is." I said as we continue driving down the road. hoping to find more food.

Survival Love: A Gabentine Story Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang