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Calum: r u ok?

Me: yeah just about

Calum: I cant believe she actually did that

Me: I can

Calum: nd brought up Bali in the chat
Calum: she is evil

Me: well there's not much I can do now.
Me: I spoke to Ashton about it, he's going to talk to her

Calum: y?
Calum: he should just stop it now b4 some1 gets hurt

Me: he still likes her

Calum: idiot

Me: come on he basically did the same as you!
Me: try to be a bit nicer ❤️

Calum: sorry but
Calum: since when did u stick up 4 Ashton over me?

Me: since I felt bad for him
Me: at least me and you are happy
Me: the moment he was happy, it went wrong.

Calum: how low that she spoke to 1 of my band mates just to screw with u

Me: her all over
Me: miss injured myself I'm going to con everyone and go to Bali
Me: god she annoys me

Calum: not surprised!
Calum: I might talk some sense in2 Ashton in the mean time

Me: I did try

Calum: yh I know I just want 2 try
Calum: we're close so hopefully it helps

Me: thanks cal but I think he should make his own mind up about it
Me: she may have changed you never know

Calum: really?
Calum: r u actually saying this?
Calum: wow she's got you like a puppet on strings

Me: Calum!
Me: she's been nowhere in my life for ages, I don't know she might have changed!

Calum: only u could b trying 2 convince urself she's better

Me: look, Ashton knows the whole story so he can make his own mind up...

Calum: the "whole" story?
Calum: did I not hear the whole story?

Me: no
Me: the basics yeah but not every detail

Calum: right and he did
Calum: of course
Calum: cos Ashton seems 2 b a lot better than me

Me: what? Where has this come from?

Calum: mayb the fact u constantly talk 2 him and not me?

Me: it's about his relationship
Me: who do you want me to talk to?

Calum: me!

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