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Group chat

Ashton added Ellie and Katie to the group

Me: hi everyone!

Ashton: thought we could all chat before we meet, then it might not feel too awkward

Me: that's sweet
Me: hi Katie 👋🏼

Katie: hey everyone
Katie: Hi Ellie!

Luke: hi girls

Mike: yo

Calum: Ellie!
Calum: hi Katie

Ashton: ok so everyone Katie is the girl I've been talking to
Ashton: I thought it'd be good for everyone to meet even if it's only via this

Luke: of course
Luke: then we'll all get on when we're sightseeing

Me: I'm really excited actually

Katie: me too

Mike: our group is finally expanding again 👍🏼

Katie: it'll be nice to see you again too Ellie

Calum: again?

Ashton: you know each other?

Me: what do you mean again?

Katie: come on el it's not difficult how many girls do you know called Katie

Calum: oh damn

Me: Harrison you little cow

Ashton: hey be nice!

Calum: stay out Ashton trust me

Me: you'd better not show up to this trip or I swear I'm ripping your head from your shoulders

Ashton: Ellie!
Ashton: Katie I'm sorry about this

Mike: ooh this is getting good

Luke: inserts Michael Jackson eating popcorn meme

Me: no Ashton she's an absolute bitch
Me: unfortunately we have history and it's not a good one

Katie: love you too sweetheart
Katie: btw I loved my trip to Bali 😉😘

Calum: oh no she didn't

Luke: I want to go to Bali too Ellie!

Mike: I don't have a clue what's happening

Me: forget it
Me: I'm not going to your damn trip if she's going to be there
Me: evil manipulative snake
Me: I'd watch yourself Ashton
Me: she's not who she says she is

Calum: wait Ellie let's talk about this!
Calum: I want 2 c u

Ashton: damn that didn't go well

Luke: thank you Ashton I really needed some entertainment

Mike: i stopped gaming for it 👌🏼
Mike: will it continue when we all meet up

Katie: oh definitely
Katie: I don't know what's wrong with her, she just hates me

Calum: that's not true and u know it

Katie: you'll believe anything she says cos you're smitten
Katie: but she missed out some pretty big details
Katie: I'll be nice cos this is a group chat, I won't bother ruining it for you

Ashton: brb

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