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Ash: els?

Me: hey ash
Me: sorry I snapped in the chat
Me: we have really bad history

Ash: I'm sorry I really didn't know
Ash: she never mentioned that she knew you before

Me: she wouldn't
Me: I love you ash I'm warning you she is most likely using you to get to me or to get financial gain for herself

Ash: she wouldn't do that

Me: that's what she did to me

Ash: what did she do?

Me: I'll tell you but I'll let you make your own decision, ask her too if you want

Ash: that's nice of you els

Me: we used to be best friends
Me: we were trying to act like grown ups and move out and get jobs and be independent
Me: we both got a small flat each
Me: she faked an injury at work and told me she couldn't work after it
Me: she told me she couldn't pay her rent and she was going to get kicked out
Me: I really believed her cos we were best friends so I offered to help pay for her rent and I sent her money monthly
Me: I worked the max shifts I could to cover both rents

Ash: that's so sweet of you

Me: she told me I needed to send it to her so it looked like the rent came from her account
Me: what she failed to mention was the payoff she got from work because she faked the injury so much.
Me: with that and the "rent" money I'd been sending her for months, she left and had a lovely long trip to Bali
Me: tbh I thought she lived out there now but obviously not

Ash: so that's why she mentioned Bali?

Me: to wind me up yeah
Me: and I let it
Me: I'm an idiot

Ash: I can't believe she never mentioned anything like that to me
Ash: we've been talking for weeks
Ash: I liked her

Me: don't change how you feel on my account
Me: I don't know what she's like now
Me: maybe she is good to you
Me: but I'm just weary after what happened to me

Ash: you're handling this really well
Ash: most would be trying to convince me to stop speaking to her

Me: well don't get me wrong that's exactly what I want to say but you're a grown man
Me: Calum's not a fan of her already cos I told him the basic story

Ash: he doesn't know the whole one you just told me?

Me: I hadn't got round to it yet tbh
Me: it makes me mad to talk about it

Ash: sorry els
Ash: I'll talk to her but I'm not happy lets just say that

Me: just be careful ash
Me: I don't want you to get hurt

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